
Updated: 11/12/2023 by Computer Hope
Bungie Software logo

Founded on May 7, 1991, Bungie is a software developer of popular game series and titles, including Destiny, Halo, and Myth.

Contact information


As of March 31st, 2012, Bungie is no longer able to provide official support for Halo, Halo matchmaking, Halo stats, or Bungie Pro services. For Halo or Xbox related support, contact Microsoft.


Bungie provides support only through their online forum system. They do not have a support phone number to call or a support e-mail address to send e-mails to for help.

Phone: Unknown
Sales: None or unknown
Fax: None or unknown
TDD: None or unknown
Website: Bungie official website
Help: Bungie help page
Bungie help forums
Address: Bungie
550 106th NE, Suite #207
Bellevue, WA  98004-5088
Stock: None

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Company news

June 19, 2000 - Microsoft Corporation today announced that it had bought Bungie Software Products Corporation for undisclosed terms. This move allows Microsoft to release the highly anticipated game Halo, for its upcoming Xbox.