
Updated: 11/12/2023 by Computer Hope
Philips logo

Founded in 1891, Philips is a Dutch manufacturer of electronics, audio equipment, and lighting products. They are one of the world's largest companies, employing over 100,000 people. They are a major supplier in the electronics industry, and a major service provider in the healthcare industry.

Contact information

Phone: Philips contact page
Fax: None or unknown
TDD: None or unknown
Website: Philips official website
E-mail: Philips support
Address: Philips Consumer Electronics
P.O. Box 14810
One Philips Dr.
Knoxville, TN 37914
Stock: PHG

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Company news

August 17, 1982 - A Philips factory in Germany created the world's first compact disc.

1963 - Philips released the compact audio cassette tape.