How to remove DSO exploit

Updated: 12/31/2020 by Computer Hope
Computer bug

Often, spyware programs as Spybot show that a DSO (data source object) exploit is found in the Windows registry. If you have all your updates, this exploit does not need to be removed, as it is no longer a threat. However, if you are running an older version of Windows or want to remove it all the same, follow the steps below.


The steps below require you to edit the registry. If you're not comfortable editing the registry, your only option is to update Windows.

Removing DSO exploit

  1. Click on Start in the lower-left corner of your screen, or press the Windows key.
  2. Type regedit into the Run or Windows search box and press Enter.
  3. In the Registry Editor, open each of the following folders to find the appropriate key.

    Internet Settings\
  4. In the key above, there should be a value of 1004. If this value is not present, click Edit, New, DWORD Value and create the 1004 DWORD value.
  5. If 1004 is present, make sure the type is REG_DWORD and not REG_SZ. If it's REG_SZ, delete the 1004 REG_SZ value and create a new 1004 DWORD value.
  6. Once the 1004 value is created, double-click the value, and enter 3 as the value name.
  7. Once the above is changed, exit the Registry Editor and reboot the computer.