Dudley Buck

Updated: 12/30/2019 by Computer Hope
Dudley Buck

Name: Dudley Allen Buck

Born: April 25, 1927, in San Francisco, California USA

Death: May 21, 1959 (Age: 32)

Computer-related contributions

  • Electrical engineer and inventor of components for high-speed computing devices in the 1950s.
  • Known for the invention of the cryotron, a superconductive computer component that is operated in liquid helium at a temperature near absolute 0.
  • Invented content addressable memory, ferroelectric memory, non-destructive sensing of magnetic fields, and, development of writing printed circuits with a beam of electrons.

Significant publications

  • Binary Counting with Magnetic Cores (1951).
  • Ferroelectrics for Digital Information Storage and Switching (1952).
  • Magnetic and Dielectric Amplifiers (1952).
  • An Approach to Microminiature Printed Systems (1958).
  • Switching Circuits - chapter 13 in Computer Handbook book by Harry Huskey (1962).

Honors and awards

  • Browder J. Thompson Engineering Award (1957).
