Today in computer history: January 29th

Below are technology and computer-related events that happened on January 29th of every year during the evolution of computers. January 29th is the 29th day of 2024, which is a leap year. There are 337 days left in the year from this day.

Allen DuMont pictureJanuary 29, 1901
123 years ago

Allen DuMont was born, an American scientist best known for improvements to the cathode ray tube for use in television receivers. Died November 14, 1965 (Age: 64).

CourtJanuary 29, 1907
117 years ago

Lee De Frost files patent #879,532 for vacuum tube triode. Later used as an electronic switch in the first electronic computer.

GameJanuary 29, 1996
28 years ago

The game Duke Nukem 3D was released.

GoogleJanuary 29, 2014
10 years ago

Google announces it will sell Motorola Mobility to Lenovo.

AppleJanuary 29, 2007
17 years ago

Apple first announced the iPhone with iOS.

CompanyJanuary 29, 2020
4 years ago

Facebook agreed to pay $550 million to settle a class-action lawsuit filed in Illinois regarding facial recognition.

LinuxJanuary 29, 2020
4 years ago

WireGuard was accepted by Linus Torvalds for inclusion in the Linux kernel.

Apple, Cathode ray, Computer, DE, Duke Nukem, Facebook, Facial recognition, Game, Google, IOS, iPhone, Kernel, Lenovo, Linux, Linux kernel, Motorola, 3D, Patent, Receiver, Released, Television, Torvalds, Vacuum tube, WireGuard

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