Today in computer history: September 25th

Below are technology and computer-related events that happened on September 25th of every year during the evolution of computers. September 25th is the 269th day of 2024, which is a leap year. There are 97 days left in the year from this day.

Claude Perrault pictureSeptember 25, 1613
411 years ago

Claude Perrault was born, physician, anatomist, inventor, and author who designed a calculating device, called Abaque Rhabdologique. Died 1688 (Age: 75).

CompanySeptember 25, 1928
96 years ago

The Galvin Manufacturing Corporation was established. The company would later be known as Motorola.

Marc Benioff pictureSeptember 25, 1964
60 years ago

Marc Benioff was born, the chairman and CEO of Salesforce.

AppleSeptember 25, 2001
23 years ago

Apple releases Mac OS X 10.1 code named Puma.

Radio signalSeptember 25, 2001
23 years ago

XM Radio released its service to the public.

GoogleSeptember 25, 2013
11 years ago

Google released Google Shopping Express.

AppleSeptember 25, 2015
9 years ago

Apple iPhone 6s was released.

Apple, Apple iPhone, BE, Calculating, CEO, Device, Google, Google Shopping, Google Shopping Express, Inventor, MAC, Mac OS, Manufacturing, Motorola, 10, OS, Radio, Released, Salesforce, XM

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