Microsoft > Windows Vista and 7

Compressed old files - help

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Hello all. I just went to run a disk cleanup, and it says I have 3,276,894 KB worth of Compressed Old Files. I checked to box to delete them, and let it clear tghem out, but they won't go away! What can be causing this? I am using Windows XP Home, and have virus/Spyware protection which is up to date...  Is there a manual way to clean them?


try it in safe mode.....system restore maybe hanging on to this files

Is there a folder where these are stored that I can just clean out? Should I turn off system restore and then clean?


This is the main account i trust.most of the files are held in in the reclycler folder....info2.....hidden from the user....try the safe mode..option.disconnect from the net.or use this >,fid,22849,00.asp

Hhhhmm... Ok... I'll give that a shot  :-/  I hate having to use safe mode though... Scary thought... I'll give it a shot tomorrow when I start the system... Thanks



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