Software > Computer viruses and spyware

Can someone identify these?

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We have Windows 98 on our computer at work. We also have Norton Anti Virus, with all updates, etc. We recently ran a virus scan and found the following files(?) in Quarantine.

 1. datF084.TMP
 2. do.exe (2)
 3. datC164.TMP
 4. datF085.TMP

Can someone tell me what these are and how do we remove them from our system?

This is a great site and I have found many answers to a lot of questions. Keep up the great work, and many,many,many thanks for your assistance, in advance.

If they're quarrantined then you're fine.  You should have the ability to view the items in quarrantine and delete them.

dl65: like it could be a trojan.......

Here's some info on it

hope this helps

dl65  ???

Thanks for the info Joleen and dl65! I'll pass this on to my boss and we'll do our best to remove them. We can't delete them with anti virus, so we'll have to go the hard route. I think they will be listed with our anti virus program provider, now that we have an identity name. Thanks again.

 where would i find the quarrantine files to delete found viruses?


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