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Need help w/ table placement


Sherry Wiatt:
Aargh! ??? I have created a table but it is aligning to the bottom right of my web page. I would like to bring it to the top center. Can anyone help? If you aren't sure what I mean, here is a link to the page...

here's your code..

--- Code: ---<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000FF" vlink="#FF0000" text="#000000">

<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=400>
<tr valign="top" align="left">
     <td><img src="" height=1 width=250></td>
     <td><img src="" height=1 width=150></td>
     <td><img src="" height=1 width=1></td>
<tr valign="top">
     <td colspan=3 height=397></td>
<tr valign="top">
     <td colspan=1 height=150></td>
     <td colspan=1 rowspan=1 width=150><!-- pickhandtiedpricing -->
<table  width=1000 border=3 cellpadding=40><tr>
<td background=>

<center><table align=center width=800 border=0 cellpadding=20><tr>
<td background=>
<p align=center><p align=center><font face="monotype corsiva"><font size=6 color=#006666>Hand Tied Rose Bouquet<p>

<center><img src=><p>

<Center><font size =5 color=#990099 font face="monotype corsiva">
"Hand tied bouquets" all roses in your custom color with babies breath and Ivy<p>
<center>$25 </td>
     <td colspan=1 height=150></td>
--- End code ---

Ok.. there's lots of things going on here.

You don't need border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 in your table.  By leaving it out, the browser assumes it's 0.

If you get rid of..

--- Code: ---<tr valign="top" align="left">
     <td><img src="" height=1 width=250></td>
     <td><img src="" height=1 width=150></td>
     <td><img src="" height=1 width=1></td>
--- End code ---
it will align itself left.

--- Code: ---<p align=center><p align=center><font face="monotype corsiva"><font size=6 color=#006666>Hand Tied Rose Bouquet<p>
--- End code ---
Contains a double <p align=>, get rid of one.  You also really should close your <p> with the </p>.  Closing paragraphs isn't mandatory but it's very good practice to get into for compliance later on.

You seem to be <center>ing without </center>ing.  This one is mandatory.

You've got 3 <table> all nested but only 1 </table>.

You've also got a few <tr>s that are missing the close.

I'd also suggest using stylesheets so you can define your font style, width and colors without having to do it in the code.  It cleans things up and will be more compliant later on.

That's all I found initially but I bet there's more.  Keep plugging away, the arrangement looks great.

I missed a couple of </font> that are missing.  The rule is.. if you <open> it you have to </close> it.  <font>blah</font> or <center>blah</center> etc.

Thank you!
i Finally got it fixed :)


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