Microsoft > Windows NT/2000


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I have suddenly not been able to back up to my external hard drive. I receive the message below. I have rebooted several times but still can't back up.

 "The back up did not complete successfully. Windows Backup failed while trying to read from the shadow copy of the volumes being backed up. Please check hte event logs for any relevant errors"

Can't see anything in the events log but I'm not too sure that I'm looking in the correct place!

 What is the problem and how can I fix it? (in simple speak please!

[recovering disk space, attachment deleted by admin]

I am not sure.  The problem was with volume lock and shadow copy.

You might reboot and make sure no other programs are running.
Next try the backup again. It may work the second time.

Volume lock will fail if other programs are writing to the hard drive while the lock is on. Otherwise the backup would not be an accurate copy of the content if another program altered a file while backup was in progress.

what you are trying to backup and what is your os?

Apart from salving the drive try to use external drive case if you have one


--- Quote from: mikeson on November 20, 2013, 07:29:35 AM ---Apart from salving the drive try to use external drive case if you have one

--- End quote ---
The post is now cold.
= I think the backup failed barbecue of a  folder that can not be opened.


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