Microsoft > Windows Vista and 7

how to get to seconday graphics card specs (no 3d party tools)

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Hello all,

I have a laptop with two graphics card ( Intel and ATI ) but when browsing for the display specs using 'dxdiag' or 'Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Display\Screen Resolution\advanced' , only Intel's graphics card information are displayed.
How can I list the specs of the secondary laptop graphics card without using  3d party software?


Without a 3rd party tool it'll be tough...

Try the laptop manuf. site for specs.

I hope there is a way to find out without accessing the internet.

The thing is that I am trying to buy a laptop with a friend and when we will be shopping for it, I do not have access to the internet so I would need to list its specs without internet access if possible. I could browse for the graphics card under Device Manager but it would only show the brand and number but not full specs such as amount of memory and whether its shared or not...etc. :-\

I don't understand...sorry.

I am sorry. The purpose is irrelevant anyway  ;D.

I hope there is a way to get the specs of the secondary graphics card without internet or using a 3d party tool.


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