Microsoft > Windows Vista and 7

How often do you defragment?

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Hello all, i'd like to know how many of you actually make it a point to defragment your drive as part of system maintenance and how often? Built in or other tools? Thanks. :)

With the built in XP defrag which is actually made by the Diskeeper Corporation, once a month, before updating my backup drive images and after deleting the contents of the prefetch folder and generally cleaning up the drive.

If you install Diskeeper 9 Professional you can leave it on Smart Scheduling and have it defrag seamlessly in the background, but I would advise you to have between 512 and 1024 MB of RAM.

Diskeeper 9, Professional version, has the advantage of incorporating Frag-Shield, unlike the Diskeeper 9 Home version, which is useful if the Master File Tables ever need to be adjusted.

Diskeeper 9 Professional version with Frag-Shield can be used on XP Professional or XP Home Edition.

In Windows once a month. In linux never.

I do it once a month, But the longer you leave it the slower it will take.

i remember defragging a friends PC and it took about 2 hours!


Game computer - every time a program/update is installed
Internet computer - After major changes have been made to the file system.


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