makes no sense!!!!!????

Started by shane sprenger, November 01, 2005, 05:22:13 PM

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shane sprenger

well im trying to boot from my cd drive i can re-install windows.  i set it as the first thing to boot.  then i restart my computer.  then it takes me to (i think) DOS and i have a blinking horizontal line on the top left, kind of like a text cursor instead of it telling me to press any key to boot from my cd.  my keyboard stops responding at this point (im able to turn num / caps lock off and on until i get to this screen)  i unplugged and replugged all the things connecting to it, and even tried using the ports and cords i did for my hard drive.  i also tried two different cd drives, both of which have worked in the past. so, may i ask, *censored*?!?!?!?! >:( >:(


What is the computer make/model? Are you using standard PS/2 and mouse? Are they plugged into the right ports? What happened prior to this difficulty? Why a Windows reinstall? Any previous hardware problems? Have you added a second drive or anything unusual? Are you the only person with access to this machine?

shane sprenger

i built the computer myself...i installed windows and everything fine before but i accidently clicked automatic updates and had to activate it.  the mouse is usn but the keybaord is ps2, and it works in seyup and whatnot.  its the driver other than my hard drive.  ive tried everything on several websites, but nothing works.  would deleting windows help? it worked when windows wasnt there in the first place...i even tried setting it as primary and secondary master and slaves, nothing seems to work. so once again...*censored*?!?!?!!


Quotei built the computer myself...i installed windows and everything fine before but i accidently clicked automatic updates and had to activate it.  the mouse is usn but the keybaord is ps2, and it works in seyup and whatnot.  its the driver other than my hard drive.  ive tried everything on several websites, but nothing works.  would deleting windows help? it worked when windows wasnt there in the first place...i even tried setting it as primary and secondary master and slaves, nothing seems to work. so once again...*censored*?!?!?!!

I would try a PS/2 mouse, and make SURE those drives are jumpered correctly. So this is a problem with activating Windows? Was this CD already used on another machine?

shane sprenger

well i tried the ps2 mouse, and ive disconnected and reconnected the drivers multiple times, switching from primary and secondary master and slaves.  ive tried a bunch of different settings in setup.  nothing works.  it seems like its trying to read the cd, but cant.  its brand new though, and i used the same one to install windows the first time.  since ive already used the same cd key, will it not work if i try activating it over the internet? (i havent been able to try that yet cuz i cant access it from my dorm room without signing in through windows.)


 shane sprenger.......
Quotei accidently clicked automatic updates and had to activate it.
Why would you not have activated windows ..........or are you using a not so legal copy ?

dl65  ::)
If you don't know the answer, it isn't a dumb question.


If it has never been activated orf even if it has go ahead and do so now. The activation is keyed to the machine it was first installed and activated on, so if this is just a reinstall, no problem. If not, then you will have to call Microsoft and explain how this happened.

We are assumoing you are all legal here.