Microsoft > Windows Vista and 7

MSI File Not Found


 ??? I am trying to uninstall my Norton Professional 2004 antivirus on my windows me computer. I keep getting MSI file not found error - Microsoft windows installer not found. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!  ;D

I am trying to uninstall my Norton Professional 2004 antivirus on my windows me computer:>Posted by: ForeverYoung

why! what was the problem! m_2

Well, the antivirus is expired. I wanted to use Avast Antivirus but I figured I should completely take Norton antivirus off first so there wouldn't be any conflicts. On top of that, a computer specialist installed it for me a year ago at no charge...(for the antivirus) and I have no idea what name he registered it under or anything.

Type regedit in the run box and use the find for any navs....and use search in the local drive for folders and delete them all....

Windows vista........dont waste you money on it.....

testing failed.....

It's good news to hear you are unburdening that machine of Norton's...however getting rid of it is no easy task.
Below you will find an uninstaller for just that.

patio.  8)


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