Microsoft > Microsoft DOS

backup 1x per day with XCOPY

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Thanks guys, you were all on the right track...
The best solution was 'Kirby Alarm', because I did originally intend for Task Scheduler to do just what I wanted, but an internal error regarding account information not beeing set of some sort stopped it from being able to execute (exact error: 0x80090016: key not available) ... so that freeware tool should do the trick.

I was actually using W2k, but for batch files one uses MS-DOS commands, thats what I meant.

If you're running under Windows, one of my favorite script tools is AutoIt, it's a slick utility that'll allow you to do all sorts of automation tasks.

I' look for a command that can assist me in complete what I already have. It is to also place copies in four other location and here is a example of the locations these files has to copied to:

E:\xcopy Z:\staging  Z:\backup Z:\localrelease Y:\Localrelease Y:\backup F:\CA F:\TX F:\MD

echo %DATE% FILE COPY START > %3_xcopy.log
xcopy /d /e /v /c /f /h /y %1 %2 >> %3_xcopy.log
echo %DATE% FILE COPY STOP  >> %3_xcopy.log

echo ----------------- >> archive.log

echo %DATE% >> archive.log
tail -1 %3_xcopy.log >> archive.log
start notepad %3_xcopy.log
start notepad archive.log

shorty, see the reference to AutoIt I posted previously.


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