Desktop booted up bot not connecting to anything?

Started by fuzzyfruitz, October 15, 2017, 11:56:02 PM

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 I drove 3 days to move to a new home and decided not to set up my computer until I settle in. 2-3 months later I decided to set up my computer and when everything is plugged in I booted it up. Nothing was getting activated. My HDMI monitor has no signal and my USB mouse and keyboard that usually lights up does not light up when connected. All the fans inside my fans are running perfectly fine including my video card, processors and my case fans.. I built this PC 3-4 years ago and I tried replacing BIOS battery CR2032... ???


Very common when a PC is moved...remove all power...then remove and re-seat RAM sticks GPU and any other addon cards.
Power back up you should be good to go.
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "



GPU = Video Card (if you have one to remove) ... Some systems have integrated video and so there is no video card to remove. Additionally some systems have APU's which have the CPU and GPU combined so an APU is a CPU and Video Card all in one. If you dont have a video card to remove them you skip this. Dont remove an APU.