Microsoft > Microsoft DOS

Any way to run a batch file with NOUI?


Marco Poggio:
I am trying to run a batch file remotely.  Is there anyway to have it run without bringing up the DOS screen?  I wan't users to not know it is even running.

Thanks in advance!

Use a .PIF with the .BAT file. In the program information file, specify 'run minimised'.

Add the following lines to your batch file:

[glb]@echo off
mode con:=nul:

(current batch file text)

mode con:=con:[/glb]

These will disable echo of commands to the screen and route the program outputs to the NUL: device. Be sure to test the batch file before adding these lines as they disable the ability to monitor the batch file's progress or any error messages from the batch file.

This still results in the MS-DOS icon appearing on the task bar for the duration of the DOS session...

There may be something you can put in a PIF to disable the taskbar session... check the options.


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