Microsoft > Microsoft DOS

Starting Out


mike r:
Hi I am 13 and have started using cmd prompt I was just wondering if anyone has any tips on writing .bat files that open programs. Any help would be much appreciated as I do not no much about using command prompt. Thanks.

Opening a file from a batch file is as simple as putting the name of the file in the batch file.  For instance:

<batch file contents>

... will invoke notepad and open the file C:\TEST.TXT

A copy of the DOS 6.22 HELP.* and QBASIC.* files in your DOS or Windows\Command directory will give you access to a better HELP function than the /? one in DOS 7.x for Winn9x. WinNT/2K and XP trimmed down the available commands too much in the emulator...

There are still good 'tutorials' for batch file programming on the Web, use a search tool.


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