Microsoft > Microsoft DOS

Getting out of MS-DOS Mode??

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When I do that it says that I am currently running in MS-DOS mode, and if I want to run in normal to press enter. Well I did, and it just restarts again and it is still in MS-DOS mode. I don't know whats going on. Am I going to have to take it to a shop and pay a ridicules amout of money?

2k dummy:
At the DOS prompt type scanreg /restore. A list of items should appear. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the highlighted item. Select the one with the oldest date and press enter.

If you are in a root MSDOS shell in Win9x, typing WIN at the dos prompt will start Windows.

If you have a DOS shell session open in Windows (applies to the emulator in NT/XP as well as a DOS session in Win9x), you type EXIT to close the DOS shell and return to Windows.

I tried typing WIN and Exit, it just re-starts the computer and brings MS-DOS mode back up.

Are you 100% sure that windows is installed?  Type "dir c:" at the command prompt.


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