Software > Computer programming

just do this


amtpaid is a database field that is: decimal 8,2 and may be 0.00  or may be more:
I have asked repeatedly for the correct way to code this variable to reflect it's
value and been advised: $amtpaid = (double)'amtpaid';, $amtpaid=$row['amtpaid'];,
$amtpaid = (int)'amtpaid'; and told to "use different logic, change language, everything
except "just do this".

duedate is a database field that is: date:
$dueday = 'dueday'; works in update.- dueday = DATE_ADD(dueday, INTERVAL 1 MONTH),

comments is text and be blank or not:
$comments = 'comments';  if not present: undefined - if present: php understands "comments" as
it's value.
I want to code them so that php understands their values and I can refer to them. Why cannot someone
answer this question?   


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