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Author Topic: arrrg!!!  (Read 1920 times)

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    « on: March 20, 2006, 06:17:31 AM »
    [highlight]Warning![/highlight] to save wasting your time reading this, this post is not a computer problem i need to resolve.
    more just like a complaint with a couple of questions, read on if your bored  :P

    Theres a little argument on anouther forum
    and my question is
    Are CPU's ment to run flat out 24/7?


    Basicaly all the site admins and mod's say 'yeah it's fine, just download our program... if you have any problems just buy upgrades'

    Which i don't think is right, they should not advertise without warning.
    The warning that is given is "use at own risk, we will not be liable to any damage", but i only came across message after actualy looking for it. at the bottom of a web page, easy to miss...
    Most desktop PCs able to run Windows 2000 or XP will have enough computing power to join the experiment. Naturally, a more modern or high-spec computer will produce results more rapidly.
    that's is a quote from the download's page requirments.
    This is wrong!
    What they should have said in that quote is what is said in the forum posted above!!
    the download was even mentioned on TV! i even advertised them on these forums!!! which i wish i never now...

    To be honest i don't know how damaging running at 100% is, but my fan was spinning fast every 1 min (literaly)
    This can't be healthy for my computer can it?
    This would happen when i'm idle, and even when i'm not idle (they claim that the program will cut down on CPU use when your computer is doing other tasks, even this did not seem to work for me,CPU always at 100%)
    and i'm surposed to leave this running 24/7?!

    I don't know why you guys would bother reading all that...
    I'm not posting this on there forum becuase there responce would be too biased
    That's not the only post either... Theres lots more complaints, all made by new people with only a couple of posts. they make a complaint and then the mod's jump in and make it sound like everythng is ok.
    and each time i bet you the guy that complains just deletes the program and leaves, but theres always just more annoyed people joining the forum to complain, when will these admins finaly decide to make the negatives more clearer?!?

    I don't know what computerhelp.com can do to solve this, i'm jus a little annoyed is all :-/... and i have the right to be (right?)
    « Last Edit: March 20, 2006, 06:26:49 AM by Ted2 »


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      Re: arrrg!!!
      « Reply #1 on: March 20, 2006, 09:45:39 AM »
      Most distributed computing programs do keep your CPU running at 100% because they are designed to use any and all unused cycles. They give up CPU usage when another app calls for them. If a machine has proper cooling, it can indeed run 24/7 @100% without problems. Cooling is the key. Most "cracker box" PC's do not have adequate cooling for these projects. There are work arounds such as temp monitoring software and CPU cooler software. CPU cooler software works by automatically making the CPU idle cycles very high when a given temp is reached and then giving the cycles back to the app when it drops to a given temp. Also note that some Intel processors can automatically reduce the speed, which helps with cooling. They can also shut themselves down before critical temp is reached. The only real danger to running these projects 24/7 is letting the heat get out of hand.
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        Re: arrrg!!!
        « Reply #2 on: March 20, 2006, 10:49:47 AM »
        Ok thanks for letting me know, but it's just the fact that i could have seriously damaged my system if i did not look into it.

        But then i guess it's fact that being careless can cause damage
        Can't really blame them for it... still i am annoyed that there was no warning about this

        I play games like Battlefield2 on minimun requirements, and the fan hardly ever starts spinning like mad like it does with this program.
        *censored* them... i left it running over night too, i don't even know if damage has already been done.

        Without buying better cooling for my "cracker box"( :'() anyone know any freeware to recomend?
        Monitoring software would be good. The CPU cooler software i'm not too sure about, becuased i used this rather complicated one called ThreadMaster before, that slowed performance too much (but i guess thats the point of them?).
        « Last Edit: March 20, 2006, 10:59:25 AM by Ted2 »