Microsoft > Windows XP

Activating a notepad document


xp user:
Is it possible to activate or open a Notepad document, which contains a line of text such as a Serial Number, from within a Batch File ?

I have a serial number stored inside a Notepad Document, and I would like to know if there is a batch file command which could open this document, without having to open Notepad firstly ?



2k dummy:
What do want to do with the document? Print it, display its contents on screen?

I would like to display its contents on the screen.
I have began to use the START command and I can get the document opened, but how do I trnsfer eexecution control back to the batch file, from the already opened document ?


2k dummy:
Don't start Notepad. Use the type command in your batch file.
type <filename>
If the file is large, pipe it to the more command to display it one page at a time.
type <filename> | more


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