Microsoft > Windows Vista and 7

Fresh install of XP Pro and everything is laggy

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I had some computer problems, and ended up reinstalling Windows.

Whenever I scroll, such as in a webpage, or if I am dragging a window across the screen, or a number of other things, it's very laggy. This wasn't a problem before, and otherwise everything loads up fast and I have no problems with performance.


How about some details on the hardware involved, is SP2 applied and all updates, and what antivirus/spyware protection is being used. You have posted nothing for us to work with.  ::)

What were the problems before?

I suppose you did reinstall the video drivers, didn't you? Any other drivers left behind? (for motherboard)

Yeah I'm sorry about that. I was in a rush when I wrote it.

I just installed SP2 with no problems, then checked for updates, and I'm all good in that department.

I use Spybot and Ad-aware most frequently, and AVG for viruses.

As for the video drivers thing, that kinda went over my head. I'm not much of a computer pro myself, hence why I keep running into trouble. I just installed XP (after a while of trying to figure out how to do it) and then that is that.

The problem I had prior to the reinstall is kind of embarrassing. I don't know why I keep trying these things, but I installed a "Windows Vista Transformation Pack" thing, and it messed up my system so that when it gets to the boot screen, it freezes and doesn't load Windows. I'm definitely learning from my mistakes this time though. No more of that crap.

Another thing that occured to me, though this wasn't a problem before, is that I have 11.6 GB left out of a 120 GB hard drive from which I'm running Windows. And that's only after I just now got rid of about 10 Gigs. Might this have anything to do with it?


You need to have 15% of your disk space free for the Windows swap file so some extensive housekeeping is in order.

You also need to reinstall all of the appropriate drivers so your hardware will be run as well as possible. Is this a laptop or desktop? What make /model is the computer or motherboard? If you don't know, download Everest Home and find out so we can help you get those drivers.


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