Microsoft > Windows 3.x/9x/ME

windows 98

(1/2) > >>

if u go to the my computer icon and right click it go to propertys and proformance the % the programs u have install do they take away from that it gos to 44% when im on line and 87%when im not how do i get this to go u will im on line?

Could you rephrase your question?

the proformanc on my computer go down to 44% when i get on line and 87%when im not do the programs install on my computer drag it down?

set ifilter on, @english_as_second, meta
set textout, english_as_root

You stated that your resources free are 44% online and 87% when not online.

This is normal, your dialup client and Internet browser and/or email client take up resources when they are running. As long as you don't end up with 0% remaining resources, you are fine.

go back to the performance the virtual memory tab...and tick the box lt windows manage virtual memory..done


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