Microsoft > Windows XP

Win32sl.exe, What is it ?

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I have installed and uninstalled spyware detections and tried to rid my computer of the Trojan Downloader, and seemingly have made matters worse, I have discovered a TBON, a type of advertising download that somehow installed itself in my computer and have a suspicion that it has somrthing to do with the Trojan Downloader.

When I started this malware investigation and tried to delete the Trojan Downloader there were about 8 entries before uninstalling the Active Virus Shield and others there must have been 30-40 entries, I have heard that this keeps getting worse.

I now have some instructions to use the Task manager to, "end process",
and I want to end the, Win32sl.exe process and understand that this will end the process until the next time I start.

Is this correct ? and can you tell me is this TBON related to the Trojan Malware ?


It is related to Dell's Open Client package...See Here

Suggest DLoading and running AVG Anti-Spyware and run it in Safe Mode.

And for TBON see here.

What AV and firewall are you using :-?

Good luck


thanks, I see win32sl.exe is a process belonging to the Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation software. It allows remote management application programs to access a client computer for maintenance purpose.
Scan Your PC including win32sl.exe to Detect any Security Threat

I have never had remote access of my computer, and don't know how or why it was installed unless it was stock.

My question is, . .  can some remote hacker access my computer ?

Also if I do a scan, do you reccomend uninstalling the scan device afterwards ?


      (.......  What AV and firewall are you using :-?   ........)

Rusty thanks, . .

I am running as far as I know, . . since I deleted all other,

 ? a spy zapper ? that comes on everynow and then and does a quick scan but I don't think it finds anything, and it is a part of the AOL systems, . . .

If sp2 has spyware, etc., I will have it I have downloaded it but can not figure or where it is yet unless MS is calling it Windows Hotfix (SP2) Q819696 ??
otherwise, I'm going to need something reliable and will check out stock computer stuff like McKafee.

Firewall !!!!! aaahhhh,  I'mmmmmmmm gonna need to look into that too.

I'll check out that TBON site.



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