Software > Computer programming

Script files


I am trying to write a script for a NT4.0 server to map drives for users, depending on what groups they are members of.  I cannot find the proper syntax for these IF statements and group names.  

For example
IF member == group net use h: \\servername\dir

where member == group means to "If the member logging in is in this group"

I am unsure of the syntax for member == group.

Can anyone help me?

I don't think that will work, but try the tool mentioned in this article:
hope that helps, GL (good luck cuz im lazy now ;D)

I'd say just have the batch file call at vbs that would give you a lot more capabilities

For instance, to map a drive:

Dim net, shell
set net = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
set shell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
net.MapNetworkDrive "X:", "\\computer\share", true, net.username

and there are hundreds of sites out there with the functions to check membership in WSH.


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