Software > Computer programming



Arthur Cavalheiro:
 I would like to know if someone out there is able to inform me or just give me a clue about the interaction of a HTML's page with a Database or Databank, such as that one that occurs with PHP, but without the use of scripts?

Is there a system procedure that we could use, programing on SQL that could reach, read, store and send the information concerning to that inputed on the page writen in HTML?

Thanx U all and Happy Easter!!

I'm afraid that without .asp/.jsp you're not going to be able to write to a database.  You *might* be able to do it with XML but my knowledge of it is basic at best.  Sorry.

Arthur Cavalheiro:
Thanx anyhow for this tip... At last, we must try!!

[glb]Happy Easter[/glb]

Nope - you can't do it with normal HTML or JavaScript. JavaScript is a client-side language, which means it is executed on your browser, and therefore doesn't have the functionality to connect to a server-side database.

Even though server-side languages return HTML-formatted output from databases and such, HTML is also considered to be a client-side language by many web designers and developers.

So, as Joleen said - sorry - no! :(




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