Software > Computer viruses and spyware

Hijack log for the Gateway laptop

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Try uninstalling ZA to see if it helps. There are other less resource hungry firewalls that do just as good or better then ZA.

So i uninstall ZA and use MS firewall until i decide what other firewall to install?

It is almost impossible to believe that ZA slows this computer up THAT much. There is something else wrong here that makes something as simple as right clicking a long procedure, clicking the start menu a painful wait til it pops up, and this hard drive spins constantly inspite of defregs, disck checks, spybot checks and antivirus seems like the computer is busy looking for something that it never finds or if it does it loses it shortly thereafter.

What have you installed recently?

Uninstall whatever has been recently installed one at a time to try and narrow down what is causing the conflicts.

Haven't downloaded AND INSTALLED anything. However, if you recall, when i didn't have internet access with the HP i downloaded many if not most of the programs that you recommended to fix the HP. From my desktop
( Firefox seems to insist that i download all file to that location ) i moved the files to my jump drive to install them on the HP.

i think i mentioned that Avira has detected one or two of those downloads as virus's which you thought wasn't so unusual, so i deleted them. But some still exist.

It might also be important to note that on this laptop i have two communication programs: Skype and MagicJack. MagicJack is such a badly supported program with terrible connectivity. That company wanted me to uninstall Skype which they claim "conflicts" with MJ. So i uninstalled and still get the most terrible service. Now that i have the HP i was going to install MJ on that HP but now i'm not so sure that i want to corrupt that computer.

Besides those things there are no new programs on this computer and it's been getting slower over the last year more than.
So for instance when i hit the start menu it takes several seconds before it comes up, or when i right click an object to check properties or other aspect, the menu takes a few seconds to pop up or it will pop up then back down again.
Very frustrating.

I would start by going through the Add/Remove programs and uninstall anything you no longer use. Do a good system maintenance, disk clean, defrag and then another disk clean.

There is something slowing Windows down and it might take some uninstalling of most recently installed items to narrow down what it is thats causing it.


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