Internet & Networking > Web design

Need help with file extensions....

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I don't know what's wrong with my computer all of a sudden, but when I am looking for web graphics for my website, and I go to download them...they are always jpg's and gif's....(which is what I want)....they download to my computer hard drive as bmp's.  How can I get the computer to recognize jpg's and gif's again?  :-/

When you do your 'save as' do you select .gif or .jpg?

snowflakeinpa.......the image you are trying to D/L may in fact be in BMP format......What image software are you using.....You may have to use software to change the format to iether gif or jpg.   If you are having a problem doing that .....Email me the image and I will change it to whatever format you wish .....( Unless as Joleen suggests you simply chose the wrong "Save as "

hope this helps,

dl65  ???

I am having the same exact problem and I don't know what to do!  :-/ But it's not that they are all bmp's, I've tried saving gif's but it only shows up as bmp, and the only thing on the list to choose is bmp. I've tried saveing it as its name.gif, but it still doesn't show up as an animation, it will only show up as a gif, and I don't know what to do cuz it used to work for me, and then all of a sudden I can only get bmp's anymore, and it's not my software, I can view any format on my computer, it's just something wrong with IE or the save as thing, I don't know. Could it possibly be a virus of some sort?

Janie.....What operating system is on your machine.....?
So if you see a animated gif you like .....and you right click and select copy ......take it to your desktop and paste it ......that its in BMP ?

Have you recently updated from M/S ?

let us know...

dl65  ???


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