Software > Computer viruses and spyware

Help! Fatal System Error when trying to rid malware

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Do I have to register? Because that's all I see is a login/register screen when I press that link.

I will attach it here.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Ran it and followed all the prompts until it finished and closed itself, than I restarted. Came back and IE still doesn't say anything other than:
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
   Most likely causes:
You are not connected to the Internet.
The website is encountering problems.
There might be a typing error in the address.
   What you can try:
     Diagnose Connection Problems 
     More information

This problem can be caused by a variety of issues, including:

Internet connectivity has been lost.
The website is temporarily unavailable.
The Domain Name Server (DNS) is not reachable.
The Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have a listing for the website's domain.
If this is an HTTPS (secure) address, click Tools, click Internet Options, click Advanced, and check to be sure the SSL and TLS protocols are enabled under the security section.

For offline users

You can still view subscribed feeds and some recently viewed webpages.
To view subscribed feeds

Click the Favorites Center button , click Feeds, and then click the feed you want to view.

To view recently visited webpages (might not work on all pages)

Click Tools , and then click Work Offline.
Click the Favorites Center button , click History, and then click the page you want to view.


Try this next.

Download and run WinSockFix.
This is a two step process that will Back up the Registry and Reset the Winsock Stack.

[*]Double click on WinsockXPFix.exe to open.
[*]On the Winsock and TCP Repair Utility  screen, click "ReG-Backup"
[*]On the ERDNT Welcome screen, click "OK".
[*]On the Backup to: screen, click "OK".
[*]On the Folder does not exist question screen click "Yes".
[*]You will see a status screen as your registry is being backed up.
[*]On the Registry backup is complete! screen, click "OK" and you will go back to the main window.
[*]On the Winsock and TCP Repair Utility screen, click "Fix".
[*]On the Apply the VB_Winsock fix? screen click "Yes".
[*]The screen will display a status message "repair completed please reboot."
[*]On the Repair Completed screen click "OK" to reboot your computer.
[*]If your computer was not using DHCP, you will need to reconfigure TCP/IP.
[*]Hopefully you should have connectivity restored.[/list]

Unfortunately it still doesn't work :(


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