Microsoft > Windows XP

Win3.1 won't recognize my Cd drive. Help!

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How do i get my Windows 3.1 (running in ms virtual PC 2004) to recognize my CD/DVD drive? Is there a generic driver to install? Can someone give me directions?

you need the CD-ROM driver. I always use OAKCDROM.sys. It's free and you should be able to find a download somewhere.

you'll need to add this line to CONFIG.SYS:


--- End code ---

and this one to autoexec.bat:

--- Code: ---mscdex /D:OAKCD

--- End code ---

this assumes the driver has been copied to the C:\DOS directory; you can of course change it.

You can also use DEVICEHIGH if you wish. MSCDEX is a utility included with MS-DOS; if you don't have it for some reason it's available for free as well.

I must of missed something.  Cause orginally this was before cds.  Also they would have been very expensive if you got the beta's if there were any.

what are you talking about?

Cd's didnt exsist then.  So its just a matter that I thought that it wasnt possible to set it up to use.


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