Hardware > Hardware

My internet is Slow


please help i hve XP on 600k broadband but my download speeds from downloads.com is only about 70kbps please help

take the test>http://www.adslguide.org.uk/tools/speedtest.asp  update modem drivers or try use another isp address?

70kb/s isn't bad at all.

More than one person shares your bandwith, you could never have up to 600kb/s for a download speed. Unless no one else would be connected to the server of your ISP at that time. Which is nearly impossible.

I have a 3mb line and I can perhaps get speeds up to 600kb/s. Because my neighbours are all connected to the same Server. Each ISP has different servers and some are faster than others because less people are connected. (I donot think there's any way of choosing the server you want on, if there is, wow, I'd like to know!)

By the way, I'm new to this forum. Look forward to posting here. People call me Raptor ;)

try pinging the server and see if there is any packet loss..and is this the only web-site this happens on/download.com can be sluggish..due to server problems..


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