Computer Hope

Other => Other => Topic started by: duckyreads on June 18, 2009, 06:55:29 PM

Title: hackintosh setup: making the wifi work ( )
Post by: duckyreads on June 18, 2009, 06:55:29 PM

My friend is converting her Dell Inspiron 1525 into a hackbook pro, starting with this tutorial ( and trouble shooting or going to other sites when something isn't clear or isn't working. Our latest roadblock is (unfortunately) establishing an internet connection. Since her other computer has tragically died, she doesn't have the internet connection to try and look up a solution -- so it is left to me to try and find the solution to try and walk her through over the phone.

We're currently trying to do step 7 from the tutorial. The tutorial lists it as follows:
Dell Inspiron 1525 Drivers (

7] After you download and unzip the pack, take a look inside. Now open up a Terminal window and find the directory on your desktop, or where ever you downloaded the ZIP to. Go inside Broadcom-Script and type sudo su – ; chmod +x ; ./ to run the installer. Don’t worry, I’ve added the correct values for our internal Dell 1395 Wi-Fi. Once that runs, close Terminal and open up Disk Utility. Repair disk permissions just in case and then reboot your computer. AirPort should appear on your menu bar and you’ll be able to find your wireless network and get online.

Another site (located here ( ) has a different link to drivers to download (though I'm assuming that they are functionally identical, if not the exact same set of files; they are available to download here (, if you're curious and you want to compare.)

The instructions are similar:
Unzip the archive from the previous step and open Terminal in Leopard on the Dell mini. Type in sudo and drag the icon to the Terminal window. Press the Enter key, type in your admin password on the keyboard and follow the instructions. (For those who don’t like to read - basically press Enter four times and restart).

The problem? She uses the drag-and-drop method for the, placing it into terminal. However, upon pressing enter (and I'm assuming she typed the whole code out first -- ie, sudo blahblahblabitty blah enter enter enter and so on) she says that it comes up with a message in terminal essentially saying 'yeah, this is a directory'. Which isn't really the same as running it. (Sorry if this makes very little sense; I'm doing my best, and this is a second hand accounting of events).

Anyone have some very, very specific directions as to how to execute this step? Clearly we're terminal n00bs who are doing something wrong, but we can't figure out what exactly we're doing. If anyone understands what the guide is asking, and could possibly hand-feed us every little possible baby inbetween step that would be obvious to anyone who knew what on earth they were dealing with...? Screencaps aren't even necessary -- just exact instructions on what to do, since clearly we're missing something and trying to run the program incorrectly in Terminal.

Sorry if this is rather longwinded.

Title: Re: hackintosh setup: making the wifi work ( )
Post by: desQEDo on July 05, 2009, 03:10:34 AM
I hope this isn't too late. I just saw it.

Assuming the installer is the correct version there might be just one little slip-up here - you must hit the space bar after you type "sudo" (no quotes) before you drag the into the Terminal. The instructions came from another source, also without the space indication:

Open Applications > Utilities > Terminal. Type in sudo <space> and drag the icon to the Terminal window. Press the Enter key, type in your admin password on the keyboard and follow the instructions. (If you don’t like to read - press Enter four times and restart).

Good luck! 8)