Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft Windows => Windows XP => Topic started by: bigal50 on February 22, 2010, 11:47:56 AM

Title: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: bigal50 on February 22, 2010, 11:47:56 AM
Recenlty my computer crashed. I get the blue screen that reads " Registry can not load the hive."  The hive ! !  Whats a hive?  Did bee's somehow get into my computer??!!  But seriously.  I was advised to to a XP  repair. Put the XP cd in hit the "R" option which I did. I was taken to DOS screen and aksed which installtion I wanted to repair. I choose, 1-C:\(windows) and at the next prompt I was instructed to enter  fixmbr and hit enter, I did . I got a mesage the said the the master boot record was successfully updated. Someting to that effect. I started my PC and am still getting the same blue screen with the hive messsage.  Help me !!  What else can I do.
Title: More Hive from bigal50
Post by: bigal50 on February 22, 2010, 11:56:24 AM
Just before the " Hive "  I had recently obtained a used DVD-RW which worked sporatically. I watched a movie the night before. Stopped he move when it was done. But when I turned off the PC I left the DVD movie in the drive. would that cause the "Hive issue."  But wait theres more. Had recently received an enormous electric bill which all i could atrribute to was leaving the my PC on 24/7. So I started turning the PC off when not using it and of course on when I needed to use it. Could all this starting and stopping have caused the " Hive Issue "  Excuse me if I'm rambling I just wanted to list any pertinent,  hopefully usefull information.  Thanks
Title: Re: More Hive from bigal50
Post by: Allan on February 22, 2010, 11:58:21 AM
Title: Re: More Hive from bigal50
Post by: BC_Programmer on February 22, 2010, 11:59:32 AM

More information about a issue in another thread being posted as a new thread for some reason.
Title: Re: More Hive from bigal50
Post by: Allan on February 22, 2010, 12:02:34 PM
Oh. Okay, thanks BC
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on February 22, 2010, 12:05:37 PM
You need the exact error message. A system registry consists of "hives" or modules. You need to know which hive (module) is corrupt.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: patio on February 22, 2010, 01:55:07 PM
Topics merged.
Starting multiple Topics never helps and just confuses things...
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on February 22, 2010, 02:00:05 PM
And then there's:,100599.msg681780.html#msg681780
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: bigal50 on February 22, 2010, 03:51:46 PM
Thank You Allan ! !
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on February 22, 2010, 03:54:53 PM
You're welcome. All straightened out?
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: bigal50 on February 22, 2010, 10:18:34 PM
Not yet straightened out had to go to work. But am home now. I'll be honest with you I'm kinda of nervous bout performing these the commands on my PC.
( Performance anxiety I guess, pardon ther pun ) I'm more of a hardware kinda of guy. I've bulit PC and Macs many times from tha ground up.  But when it comes to software issues, I'll be truthful am kind of hesitant. I guess because I think if I dont do this right, I'll render the PC even more useless than it is now and then I really wont be able to acces some valuable data. The lesson I learned here is BACK-UP, BACK-UP- BACK-UP. always do back ups !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i know this and i know this better.  Stupid, stupid stupid, me!!  Is that pathethic enough, like my spelling.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on February 23, 2010, 05:19:28 AM
If you prefer, you can do a repair install. Boot to the XP cd and choose the SECOND repair option, allowing the OS to install on top of itself. All system files will be overwritten with the original versions (you'll have to run MS Update after the repair).
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: bigal50 on February 23, 2010, 08:57:27 AM
Thank you for our pateince and I apologize for being a such a pansy.
I f I do the " Repair" from the XP cd like you suggest, again, will i lose all my pics, docs, music, etc ??

If I do the commands at the prompt like you suggested earlier and that dosent work and I do the repair it would just redo the command line instructions, right.

What are the adbvantages of one or the other ? ?

Again, sorry bout all the questions I just try  to gather a lot in info before I venture into any new venture. I like to do my research.

Has nothing to do with you, apreciate all your help and patience. You sound like you obvioulsy sound like you knoe what your are tlaking bout.

just answer these few questions if you will and I will then put on my big boy pants and make a decsion.

Once again thnks for all your help !!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on February 23, 2010, 09:01:54 AM
I understand you're nervous and you don't need to keep apologizing. But you need to believe I'm not going to tell you to do something that will hurt you.

If I were you I'd follow my first suggestion above and restore the backup hive. Again, all programs you've installed since you got the system will have to be reinstalled - but you won't lose any data. If for some reason that doesn't work (the only reason would be if the backup hive is missing or corrupt), you can always do the repair install at that point. And no, if you follow the instructions for a repair install you will not lose any data.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on February 23, 2010, 09:08:40 AM
By the way, once you're up and running again do yourself a favor. Get a disk imaging utility and use it on a regular basis. There are a number of good free such utilities if you don't want a retail product. Also, I'd suggest a second hd (internal or external) on which you can save the disk images as well as direct copies of any and all critical data files (including photos, etc). That way, in the event of any major system catastrophe in the future you won't have to worry about losing data files.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: bigal50 on February 23, 2010, 09:57:21 AM
Right on Mr. Allan,  that exactly want I wanted to hear!!!!!
Like Will Ferrel used to say in an old SNL sketch " Lets do this !!!"

I will let you know what happens

Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on February 23, 2010, 10:01:30 AM
I look forward to hearing good news. The hive repair through the Recovery Console should only take a minute or two. BTW, once it's done you can either type EXIT and press ENTER to reboot, or press CTRL-ALT-DEL, or just do a hard reboot.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: bigal50 on February 23, 2010, 11:19:35 AM
Allan,  I entered these commands at the prompt as instructed. The prompt being C:\windows\

ren c:\windows\system32\config\software software.old
copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\software

However I get the following messages:

"The parameter is not valid"

and this message:

The command is not regognized.


Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on February 23, 2010, 11:27:04 AM
Well, everything looks right - not sure why you are getting those errors - you did press ENTER after each line, right?.

Let's go ahead and try the repair install. Here are detailed instructions (though it's a very simple process):
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: bigal50 on February 24, 2010, 11:36:29 AM
Allan did you get my last post regarding error messages ?
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on February 24, 2010, 12:03:49 PM
Yes, and I responded.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: patio on February 24, 2010, 03:06:26 PM
ren c:\windows\system32\config\software software.old

Is this one correct ? ?
A missing bracket? ?

ren c:\windows\system32\config\software ]software.old
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on February 25, 2010, 05:23:21 AM
A missing bracket? There shouldn't be any brackets.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: dahlarbear on February 25, 2010, 06:14:28 AM
ren c:\windows\system32\config\software software.old
copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\software
Allan:  Shouldn't the "copy" command line be (without the quotes):
"copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config\software"
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on February 25, 2010, 06:18:25 AM
Allan:  Shouldn't the "copy" command line be (without the quotes):
"copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config\software"
No, but thanks for the post - you pointed out there are indeed two errors on that line I missed. It should read:
copy c:\windows\repair\software c:\windows\system32\config

In my original post I mixed and matched two different hive errors (system & software), and the OP added the file name at the end of the command, which is not needed. BigAl, I truly apologize for adding to your confusion. Please redo the process using the above command instead of the erroneous one I originally gave you.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: bigal50 on February 28, 2010, 10:10:51 PM
I used the the updated commands at the prompt like you sugessted. After sending me the " incorrect information. 

My PC booted up, great thanks. However, I lost all my documents and my pictures!!!!
You said I wouldnt!!!!! Im kinda pissed.

Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: BC_Programmer on February 28, 2010, 10:19:01 PM
I used the the updated commands at the prompt like you sugessted. After sending me the " incorrect information. 

My PC booted up, great thanks. However, I lost all my documents and my pictures!!!!
You said I wouldnt!!!!! Im kinda pissed.

They are still on your disk. because you replaced the registry with what amounts to an older version some of the associative data was lost.

Do a search using the search tool for picture files, or, if you recall any names, search for those on your entire disk.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: rthompson80819 on February 28, 2010, 10:20:13 PM
My PC booted up, great thanks. However, I lost all my documents and my pictures!!!!
You said I wouldnt!!!!! Im kinda pissed.

Most of us have learned the hard way to back up our data.  And it sounds like you just learned the same lesson.  Rather than being pissed off at Allen, you should be pissed off at yourself for not doing backups.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: BC_Programmer on February 28, 2010, 10:22:02 PM
Most of us have learned the hard way to back up our data.  And it sounds like you just learned the same lesson.  Rather than being pissed off at Allen, you should be pissed off at yourself for not doing backups.

True to a point... except that renaming two registry files will not cause an entire folder tree to be deleted.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: bigal50 on February 28, 2010, 10:41:11 PM
Yes true it is good to backup always.

But Mr. Allan assured me on a few ocassion that my date would not be lost and it is. Ive serached for my docs and pictures and they are GONE !!!!!
He said " I wouldnt instruct you to do something that would harm your PC "

Explain that Computer guy.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: BC_Programmer on February 28, 2010, 10:44:57 PM
Ive serached for my docs and pictures and they are GONE !!!!!

How did you search? random clicking through folder windows, or did you actually use the search tools that windows provides? if so, what criteria did you specify?

Allow me to re-iterate: renaming two registry files will NOT delete an entire folder tree.

What happened was that replacing the registry files meant that the HKEY_USERS hive now contained different users the it did- possibly with different user names. Either way, the point is, they had different "My Documents" folders.

Your current Account is using a empty My Documents folder created when you rebooted.

Your previous "my documents" folder is still sitting in C:\Documents And Settings\<username>.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: bigal50 on February 28, 2010, 11:28:02 PM
Ok my apologies. I was  just a littel freaked out......but I found a folders with all my data. Pics, doc, Internet favorites, music etc.   So how do I get everything back in place the way it was.

When I booted I got a message that read:

Hpqthb08.exe .netframework intialization error
please set registry key HKLM\software\microsoft\.netframe\installroot to point to the .net framework install locator

Does this have something to do with the issues Im am having with the data not being seeing in the right places.

Again, sorry for my rude behavior. I was just a little freak out an mad at my self for not doing back ups. If I get all this fixed I am going to back up everything ASAP!!!!!

Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on March 01, 2010, 05:35:58 AM
Your data is still there. The registry replacement you made CANNOT delete user data files, only applications.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: bigal50 on March 01, 2010, 02:40:04 PM
Ok seems everything is there but is it possible to get things back the way they were or am i just going  drag and drop things to the new user ???????

Right now I am saving whatever I can on to my usb drives for now.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on March 01, 2010, 02:43:09 PM
I told you right off the bat I could help get you back up and running but all previously installed apps would need to be reinstalled. Nothing has changed.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: bigal50 on March 03, 2010, 12:11:52 AM
Thanks for you help, Allan !!!!!   I will figure it out and install my applications.

But now when I boot my pc I get this message that reads:

Hpqthb08.exe .netframework intialization error
please set registry key HKLM\software\microsoft\.netframe\installroot to point to the .net framework install locator.

Whats that all about.???

Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on March 03, 2010, 05:47:08 AM
Start by reinstalling two things:
1) the latest .net framework software and
2) the driver for your HP printer
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: bigal50 on March 04, 2010, 12:03:41 AM
Sounds good. But where to i get  this .net frame software.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: BC_Programmer on March 04, 2010, 12:13:17 AM
Sounds good. But where to i get  this .net frame software.

.NET framework.

From what I can tell hpqthb08 looks like it uses a relatively early version of the .NET framework: (1.1) Note that .NET framework versions are not backwards compatible- you can't  install Version 3.5 and have a program compiled against the 1.1 runtime work.

You can find other versions there, as well.

However- all that being said- the "hpqthb08" program is really more or less part of the cruft that HP plops on all their machines. you can remove it without any ill effects, and you will not get the message at startup, by using MSConfig:

Start->Run, type msconfig and enter.

On the "startup" tab, unselect the item that starts the program- it should have hpqthb08 somewhere in the line.

Apply, Exit, and restart your PC.

Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on March 04, 2010, 05:38:35 AM
With all due respect to BC, please do NOT use msconfig to permanently alter startup items. Instead, you can download a simple utility like Mike Lin's Startup Control Panel and use that to manage startup apps. Simply uncheck the offending process.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: BC_Programmer on March 04, 2010, 04:38:46 PM
With all due respect to BC, please do NOT use msconfig to permanently alter startup items. Instead, you can download a simple utility like Mike Lin's Startup Control Panel and use that to manage startup apps. Simply uncheck the offending process.

Autoruns ( is bettar.

But neither one is available by default on windows... at the time I was trying to avoid another 3 pages trying to explain how to unzip a file or something.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: Allan on March 04, 2010, 04:39:47 PM
Autoruns ( is bettar.

But neither one is available by default on windows... at the time I was trying to avoid another 3 pages trying to explain how to unzip a file or something.
Ahh. Figured you had a reason :)
And while I agree utilities such as Autoruns are better for you and me, Startup Control Panel is nice and simple for the "average user" ;)  But if the OP is good with Autoruns then that's great.
Title: Re: Registry can not load the hive.
Post by: bigal50 on March 18, 2010, 10:40:21 PM
Ok I did the Start/run/msconfig -thing and unchecked the hpqthbo8.exe thing and now i dont see see the .netframe error mesages. Cool, Thanks.

But now I'm having problems connecting to certan websites.  Some tell me I need Active-X?!
Others time i get a message the says my security setting dont allow me to view this sight.
Other time i click on a link and an internet explorer window opens and nothing loads. the screen stays white. Also everytime I try to save a website as a favorite i get a message the read something like Cant not save the file " Website name" catastropic failure.

Im sure all this has to to with my system crashing a few weeks ago when I had to recover by using the copy sytem32/ commads ( excuse me for not remebering the exact commands. but maybe like all my applicationsthat that i had to relaod my internet options have to be reset ??????

Thanks in advance. You gave have been great......