Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: xabhadonx on February 28, 2010, 02:29:24 PM

Title: aw crap my comp wont boot.
Post by: xabhadonx on February 28, 2010, 02:29:24 PM
so i bought a new comp. asus motherboard and a intel dual core processor.

Before I cleared out my old computer, I had two hard drives and put everything that i needed onto one and cleared out the other so i can sell it. When i tried to connect the old hard drive onto the new computer as a slave it wouldnt turn on at all.

any help would be awesome. please save my computer!

hope i didnt fry the motherboard.
Title: Re: aw crap my comp wont boot.
Post by: Azzaboi on February 28, 2010, 03:37:01 PM
What comes up?

Does it say 'No Boot Detected' or just beep at you? If it beeps check your motherboard manual for the Computer POST / beep codes. For example one long and one short beep, might be a Motherboard issue.

So you have a brand new hard drive in there on master and the second old hard drive as slave?
I assume they are both IDE hard drives.
Make sure the ribbon cable and the power cable for each hard drive are correctly and fully connected.

If it's a brand new blank hard drive you will have to install the operating system onto using the disc.
Title: Re: aw crap my comp wont boot.
Post by: Allan on February 28, 2010, 03:58:27 PM
what happens if you remove the second drive?
Title: Re: aw crap my comp wont boot.
Post by: alan2273 on February 28, 2010, 04:42:23 PM
Have you changed the jumper from Master to Slave?.
Title: Re: aw crap my comp wont boot.
Post by: patio on February 28, 2010, 04:52:31 PM
I suspect he is trying to boot to the old drive...this is rarely successful...
Title: Re: aw crap my comp wont boot.
Post by: BC_Programmer on February 28, 2010, 05:45:33 PM
I suspect he is trying to boot to the old drive...this is rarely successful...

it's one of those things that only happens when you have no witnesses, and then suddenly stops working when you call everybody over.
Title: Re: aw crap my comp wont boot.
Post by: on February 28, 2010, 07:27:19 PM
you must install an operating system to the new hardrive u've buy..and then check the jumper..master and it ide cable both?..just check..check and check take your time
Title: Re: aw crap my comp wont boot.
Post by: Allan on March 01, 2010, 05:43:15 AM
you must install an operating system to the new hardrive u've buy..and then check the jumper..master and it ide cable both?..just check..check and check take your time
Title: Re: aw crap my comp wont boot.
Post by: xabhadonx on March 01, 2010, 10:20:26 AM
okay... well the master drive already has windows xp pro on it. I did forget to put the jumper in the slave drive. but the power wont turn on at all. when i hit the power button it doesnt light up. but there is a light on my motherboard that is lit (i think signifying that its getting power) but not entirely sure. it just doesnt turn on at all. not even to get to the bios.

but can someone atleast reassure me that i didnt fry my motherboard?
Title: Re: aw crap my comp wont boot.
Post by: xabhadonx on March 01, 2010, 10:23:45 AM
here is the step by step process of what i did.

this is what i did after the computer was set up and worked already with the primary driver in it

1- i shut it off and opened the side door on the case.

2- I plugged the ribbon cable from my slave drive into the mother board.

3- there wasnt a long enough power cord to reach the slave drive so i left the case open and there was a power cord attached to the fan and plugged it in there.

4- i did forget to put jumper in the slave drive marking it a slave

5- attempted to turn it on, wont turn on.

6- unhooked everything to as was, still wont turn on

7- aw crap my comp wont boot. :(***
Title: Re: aw crap my comp wont boot.
Post by: alan2273 on March 01, 2010, 11:18:17 AM
Does your processor require a 4/8 pin connector that may have become disconnected.