Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: JJMac on March 15, 2010, 05:54:23 PM

Title: Laptop Freezing constantly
Post by: JJMac on March 15, 2010, 05:54:23 PM
I bought an Acer laptop in Dec ’09. Within a few days it began to freeze when I was online. I thought it might be because it was new and it did indeed stop and until last week the laptop froze maybe 3 or 4 times.
However, in the last week it has started freezing again. Sometimes I can get an hour or two before it freezes but usually I get 20 mins tops and sometimes it even freezes within minutes of turning it back on , before I can even connect to the internet. Today I have been online for 2 hours and it has frozen 7 times. (Twice while attempting to post this). My only option is to hold down the power button until it switches off.

Also for the past 4 days when I click my connection icon in the desktop it says ‘no network’ but I can connect by going to Internet Options>Connections in IE or Firefox. Has the freezing caused this I wonder? It hasn’t happened before.

Any help would be great. I work from home and need access to the internet all day so this is very annoying.

Thanks, JJ.
Title: Re: Laptop Freezing constantly
Post by: patio on March 15, 2010, 06:46:56 PM
I would be returning it under Warranty...
Title: Re: Laptop Freezing constantly
Post by: triad_cowboy on March 15, 2010, 09:06:19 PM

Patio is right about returning it for warranty work.... however some software problems are not cover by warranty so i would be sure it was a problem that is cover.......

I could be just wasting time but Here a few suggestions I would try....
  Run a full system virus scan.... their some freebies listed in the software discussions under viruses  they work real well....
If you alreaddy have a virus scanner make sure it up to date....... I would also try one of the freebies...... cant hurt to make sure your system is clean....
 I would also made sure i didnt have a over heating problem.... their a link for speedfan available also......that will give u idea of how hot your laptop is getting.....


Title: Re: Laptop Freezing constantly
Post by: JJMac on March 16, 2010, 02:30:04 PM
Scanned for viruses and found nothing. It's still freezing so I guess I'll have to send it back but I don't know what I'll do without internet access  :-\   I will try the speedfan though just incase. 
Title: Re: Laptop Freezing constantly
Post by: triad_cowboy on March 17, 2010, 09:41:20 AM
Try  speed fan..... it cant hurt.....

 You stated that it started in 09 after purchase... then stop and started back in the last week.....

Prior to it beginning again.... has any hardware/Software been aded?
Title: Re: Laptop Freezing constantly
Post by: JJMac on March 17, 2010, 03:48:06 PM
No, nothing added. I just downloaded speedfan and the CPU is looking strange. It's jumping from 2% to 56% and back with just IE running.
 I also see another post from someone who is experiencing freezing and they too have an Acer. I wonder is it a weakness in their products?
Title: Re: Laptop Freezing constantly
Post by: triad_cowboy on March 18, 2010, 07:42:00 AM
Did you notice the temp?
ON the main page of speedfan right below the CPU usage..... to the right your temps will be listed.... do they have a check mark  color arror or a flame beside them ?
To monitor the temp. click on the Charts tap at top, once there chek the  boxes...... as you use the puter..... you can let it run and check occasionally.....  and see what happening...

Open up Task manager, click on the processes tab and look on the right hand side under "Mem Usage" and see if anythhing is rapilly changing.....
 Dont end anything unless you for certain what it is........ :)
Title: Re: Laptop Freezing constantly
Post by: ale52 on March 18, 2010, 07:59:49 AM
Ditto Patio.  To have these problems so soon after a purchase is inviting headaches for a long time. :P

Alan <><  :D