Computer Hope

Software => Internet browsers => Topic started by: EmilyAnne on March 27, 2010, 06:20:22 PM

Title: Privacy when viewing files in browser?
Post by: EmilyAnne on March 27, 2010, 06:20:22 PM
Hello! I am somewhat new to Web design and coding, and I have what I believe to be a pretty straightforward (and possibly very silly) question regarding testing Web pages saved on one's own computer using a Web browser (in this case, Mozilla Firefox).

I design and code Web pages simply as a hobby and do not end up using them on an actual Web site, and thus have no use for a domain name and the like of my own. Instead, I simply plug my codes into Notepad, save this as an HTML file in my documents folder, and open that file in Firefox to view it for testing purposes.

So, my question is, is there any way someone else, somewhere in the world, could view these files over the Internet, or can they only be viewed by me, from my computer, since they're saved in my documents folder?

This is quite possibly an absurd question, but I've been curious about it since I first started using this method to view my work, and I would so appreciate any information.
Title: Re: Privacy when viewing files in browser?
Post by: Azzaboi on March 27, 2010, 09:06:37 PM
Unless someone has access to your computer (network, remote access, hacked, trojan, etc), they can't view your local host content.

It might end up in your browsers temporary cache, but even with tracking cookies, scripts, pixel exploit, etc, be hard to access if not impossible.

There are free hosting and domains out there or you could setup a server on your own computer which would allow this access. Or if you have a shared network, it's possible to open those files remotely if shared.
Title: Re: Privacy when viewing files in browser?
Post by: EmilyAnne on March 27, 2010, 09:47:30 PM
Excellent! Thanks very much for your help.
Title: Re: Privacy when viewing files in browser?
Post by: liciniusjack on March 29, 2010, 04:48:17 AM
Thanks, a lot for giving such a valuable information. I knew some part of this information but you provide the full detail.