Computer Hope

Software => Computer software => Topic started by: williwood on April 11, 2010, 01:22:14 PM

Title: windows xp help and support dosen,t contain any options under pick a help topic
Post by: williwood on April 11, 2010, 01:22:14 PM
When i click the help and support button and the page comes up there are no options under "pick a help topic" in the left pane.
Title: Re: windows xp help and support dosen,t contain any options under pick a help topic
Post by: Mulreay on April 11, 2010, 01:59:37 PM
You may find better help in the XP section in Windows.
Title: Re: windows xp help and support dosen,t contain any options under pick a help topic
Post by: Allan on April 11, 2010, 02:44:16 PM

If that doesn't work, do you use any registry cleaners?
Title: Re: windows xp help and support dosen,t contain any options under pick a help topic
Post by: williwood on April 12, 2010, 08:13:19 PM
No i don't have a cleaner now. i tried a couple but they just want you to buy their product. I have found a few more problems that might be connected. when closing system information i get a script error popup. when i try to usr trouble shooter in divice manager i get an activex control error. I searched microsoft knowledge but i didn't find any answers.
Title: Re: windows xp help and support dosen,t contain any options under pick a help topic
Post by: Allan on April 13, 2010, 05:38:11 AM
I'm not suggesting you use a registry cleaner. On the contrary, some are known to cause this very problem - that's what I was trying to find out. So you DID use one? If so, did this problem appear after using it? And did you disable any Windows Services?

Let's try this for now - insert your XP cd and go to START - RUN and type: sfc /scannow and press enter. Let it run, then reboot and see what happens.
Title: Re: windows xp help and support dosen,t contain any options under pick a help topic
Post by: williwood on April 13, 2010, 10:58:55 AM
Yes i ran a registry cleaner "free registry cleaner" It showed a number of supposed problems but would clean a couple of minor problems unless you purchased their product. My problems started before that that's why i tried the cleaner. I didn't disable any windows services. I have used CCleaner for years with no problems.
 As suggested i ran scf /scannow and rebooted but i still have the same problems.  I have a question. I had upgraded my computer from xp sp2 to sp3 with all the updates. By using my xp sp2 to do scannow would that change any of that?.


 1)Help and support doesn't contain any options in the left pane under pick
    a help topic or if it does they don't work.

 2) When closing system information i get an explorer script error.
            An error occurred in the script on this page
             Line: 60
             Char: 3
             URL: hcp://system/systeminfo/msinfo.htm
3) Device managers troubleshooter gives me an activex pop up and won't let me go any further. this can be worked around by changing the security settings in internet explorer and changing them back when done.

 4) No sound even though device manager says it is working

 Maybe i should format the disk and loose every thing and start from

Title: Re: windows xp help and support dosen,t contain any options under pick a help topic
Post by: Allan on April 13, 2010, 01:37:10 PM
Yes, it would make a difference. You must use the same version to run system file checker. And it does sound as though you have a number of issues. Tell you what, before you reformat why not try a repair install. Create an XP SP3 disc of you don't have one (you can use nlite to slipstream), boot to it, and choose the SECOND repair option. XP will install on top of itself. Either this will fix your problems or it won't. You can always reformat later.

And re the sound issue - do you want to provide some background on that?
Title: Re: windows xp help and support dosen,t contain any options under pick a help topic
Post by: williwood on April 13, 2010, 08:49:32 PM
I'm not quite sure what you mean. Should i use nLite to copy (slipstream)my xp sp2 disk and add my sp3 disk to it and use that disk to load xp.

As far as the sound goes i usually keep it off at the speakers because when i shut down and it plays a tune and my dog goes crazy. I just tried it recently and it didn't work
Title: Re: windows xp help and support dosen,t contain any options under pick a help topic
Post by: williwood on April 15, 2010, 08:28:33 PM
 This is an update to the problems i listed

1) Help and support - no options
2) System information - script error
3) Device manager - troubleshooter won't work
 These were cured by doing a XP repair using my XP CD
I think my sound problem was caused by a previous repair. The repair did fine until the end. Then it said "PLEASE WAIT". I waited 2 hours then i reset the computer. I think that's when the devices or the drivers might be configured.
 Still no sound so i went to device manager and uninstalled the realtek ac97 device. Then i went to Cnet on the internet and downloaded an updated and installed it. that cured my sound problem.

Does any body know why my the XP CD repair won't go past the "PLEASE WAIT" screen near the end. I have tried 2 different disks and they both do the same thing.   

Thank you all for the ideas.