Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft Windows => Windows Vista and 7 => Topic started by: Ben L on June 08, 2010, 12:36:53 PM

Title: Black Screen Upon Startup
Post by: Ben L on June 08, 2010, 12:36:53 PM

When starting up my computer, I get a black screen just past the loading screen (transparent bar and green blocking moving through). I am able to see my cursor and move it but nothing else.

I am using an HP Pavilion Slimlime with a Dell Monitor (model no. E172FPI). I am running Windows Vista.

I contacted HP Support and we tried "Last Known Good Configuration" and "Safe Mode" to no avail. HP suggested that I do a system recovery. In doing this, I would lose all my files.

My question is this;

a) Is there a way to fix the problem WITHOUT doing a system recovery and reinstalling the OS?
b) If there is no other way, I would at least like to save my files. I have a Seagate FreeAgent external hard drive but again, I can't startup the computer so I'm not sure how I would be able to save it?

Help is very much appreciated.


Title: Re: Black Screen Upon Startup
Post by: patio on June 08, 2010, 03:33:06 PM
2 Options:

Slave Drive Tutorial (
This method lets you connect the drive to a working machine and retrieve/burn your important data to CD's/DVD's...

Repair Install of XP (
This is a non-destructive method for repairing Windows without losing your data...
Done properly all your data and apps will be intact...
Done improperly all your apps and data will be gone but you will have a fresh install of XP...
I suggest reading it thru and printing out a reference copy 1st.

Given that i would use Method #1 first...then after your backups are secure try Method #2...

Best of Luck.
Title: Re: Black Screen Upon Startup
Post by: UNSCSpartan3 on June 08, 2010, 11:22:46 PM
except he/she dosent have windows xp...
Title: Re: Black Screen Upon Startup
Post by: patio on June 09, 2010, 08:11:48 AM
Repair Install of Vista (
Title: Re: Black Screen Upon Startup
Post by: Ben L on June 09, 2010, 11:02:35 AM
Thanks guys. I'll look into this.