Computer Hope

Software => Internet browsers => Topic started by: VoidAngel on June 17, 2004, 06:40:28 PM

Title: Internet Explorer crashes on certain sites
Post by: VoidAngel on June 17, 2004, 06:40:28 PM
Ok, I'm running Windows98 SE, with all the updates WindowsUpdate says I need.  I just recently started having a very annoying problem with Internet Explorer.  Whenever I go to certain instances of a site, IE gives me a popup message stating "Mocrosoft Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience."  It goes on to tell me that any data I was working on 'might' be lost, has a check box to restart IE, and asks me to send them an error report.

There's a details link for the error report, which has this on it:
"Appname:  iexplore.exe   AppVer: 6.0.2800.1106   ModName: msvcrt.dll   ModVer: 6.1.8293.0   Offset 000154a7"

It then gives me a general description of the data to be sent, then gives me a link to a privacy statement and the technical data in the report  That link gives me :

"Exception Information:
Code: 0xc0000005                Flags: 0x00000000
Record: 0x0000000000000000  Adress: 0x000000000780154a7"

This data is followed by -reams- of in-depth information, apparently dealing with actual memory modules (starts with 'Module 1').  There's a ton and a half of it, and I have no clue what it all means.

The sites I'm having trouble accessing all have some sort of banner ad or flash animation. and, as well as all have this problem.  The thing is, I can get to -some- instances of the site.  I noticed this when one of the webcomics worked for me, but crashed when I went into the archives.  By typing in the last part of the URL manually, I could get to more of the comics I'd missed, but not all.  Based on this, I -think- Internet Explorer has developed a dislike for certain banner ads or animations, maybe due to a corrupt file.  

I'd recently redownloaded Spybot just before this problem occurred, and I did use the Advanced mode to lock settings changes and changes to my home page.  Other than that, I didn't mess with any settings, or install any other programs.  I've also had Spybot running before (though not with the advanced options on) without any trouble.  I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling Java, uninstalling/reinstalling Spybot, and reinstalling Windows over my current installation.  No dice.  Anyway, I'll be checking back to see if you've got any ideas.  Let me know what you come up with, and thanks.
Title: Re: Internet Explorer crashes on certain sites
Post by: ccc on June 17, 2004, 07:05:16 PM
try running the repair utility for ie6.
add/remove programs
select internet explorer and choose remove (or change, I can't remember what 98 says)
you will get three options...choose repair.

hope this helps
Title: Re: Internet Explorer crashes on certain sites
Post by: dl65 on June 17, 2004, 07:19:57 PM
VoidAngel...Can I assume that until recently you had no problems viewing these sites ? You say you have all the updates necessary......are there any critical upates or just updates that you havent D/l......?
Have you D/l any proprams recently which block pop ups or banners ?
I just visited each of the sites you mentioned and encountered no problems.

let us know

dl65  ???
Title: Re: Internet Explorer crashes on certain sites
Post by: VoidAngel on June 18, 2004, 04:44:35 AM
The only program I downloaded was Spybot.  I used the Advanced Mode to block changes to my IE settings, and changes to my home page (under IE tweaks in Spybot's controls).  I changed those settings back to default first thing after the problems started; I don't remember if I was able to view the sites with those settings in place.  And yes, I've been to them all often.  I also have verified that they work on other people's computers, even on my same home network.

As for the updates, I've got all of them that don't involve extra languages or tweaks to problems I don't have.  (Hrm...  Language problem, maybe?  Shouldn't crash, but... I'll check that after I try to repair)
Title: Re: Internet Explorer crashes on certain sites
Post by: VoidAngel on June 18, 2004, 04:48:24 AM
Er, I don't Have Internet Explorer in my list of installed programs.  Wasn't it so embedded in the OS that Microsoft claimed it was an integral part of Windows?  Anyway, no dice yet on this alley.
Title: Re: Internet Explorer crashes on certain sites
Post by: Raptor on June 18, 2004, 05:01:53 AM
I believe you have to go to your configuration screen and find a tab called 'Windows components' (I run XP and a localized version, so it might be called and placed different)

Where you can tag Outlook, Fax services, Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player and other Integrated Windows components.
Title: Re: Internet Explorer crashes on certain sites
Post by: ccc on June 18, 2004, 01:49:02 PM
as part of the law suit against microsoft, they have to allow uninstalling IE. You can find this in versions 5.5 and above. In 98, you should find "microsoft internet explorer" in add/remove programs(should be in alphabetical order). On xp, its under add/remove windows components.
Title: Re: Internet Explorer crashes on certain sites
Post by: VoidAngel on June 18, 2004, 04:33:20 PM
OK, I found IE on my add/remove programs list.  It must have been there all along, but I never saw it, even when I was looking for it specifically.  I guess I edited it out of my observations because I expected it to be under I instead of M or something.

In any case, I'm still lacking the proverbial paddle.  Windows won't let me uninstall Internet Explorer, just add components, or 'repair' it.  Which I tried, but it didn't solve my problem.  I just have those little red-x image placeholders on sites where I never noticed them  before.  And by before I mean "immediately before I let frigging Windows 'fix' Internet Explorer."
Title: Re: Internet Explorer crashes on certain sites
Post by: dl65 on June 18, 2004, 07:37:11 PM
VoidAngel.....I think the little rectangles with the red X in it refers to the lack of java being enabled .......If you go int othe internet options and click the advanced tab scroll down until you see either Microsoft VM or Sun Java
make sure its enabled .......that may just fix things up .

let us know

dl65  ???
Title: Re: Internet Explorer crashes on certain sites
Post by: VoidAngel on June 18, 2004, 08:22:26 PM
I have both.  Sun Java is on, but the VM option isn't.  I'll go turn that on.  
Title: Re: Internet Explorer crashes on certain sites
Post by: dl65 on June 18, 2004, 08:34:45 PM
VoidAngel.....Something else you can try is to place the cursor onthe red X ...right click and select "show picture"
This pc does that on occassion.......

good luck

dl65  ???
Title: Re: Internet Explorer crashes on certain sites
Post by: VoidAngel on June 19, 2004, 04:44:49 AM
Yeah, I've tried forcing the pictures, but it still doesn't do it.  I turned on everything associated with VM or Sun Java, and I still have placeholders.  I don't really care, though.  I can live with that.  What I can't stand is having my Internet Explorer shut down every time O go to some of my favorite sites, as it continues to do.  I've scanned for spyware, viruses, and evil spirits, and it's all come up clean.  

However Limewire started acting up today.  It goes through the motions of starting up, but before I see even its opening graphic on my screen, my computer locks completely.  I can't even Ctrl Alt Del to shut her down.  I don't know if this is related, but I uninstalled the program and my troubles yet persist.
Title: Re: Internet Explorer crashes on certain sites
Post by: merlin on June 19, 2004, 02:07:49 PM
to get rid of ie this should do it>   try another browser....firefox..cant remember if win98se has this option but hear for the c:\windows\options\cabs folder and next to the scanreg icon is one called setup load your cd-install disk and then click the icon..this will re-install win98se if the option exsists...and win9x does not like ie6...5.5 works just great..or the answer to your problem lies here>   choices to use if you wish to do so...
Title: Re: Internet Explorer crashes on certain sites
Post by: VoidAngel on June 19, 2004, 11:19:45 PM
Whopee!  I can browse the internet again!!!  Now I can't play Everquest.  Or Morrowind.  Or Gunbound...  Says something about a .dll file, and hardware accelleration checks with Dxdiag crash to the desktop.  Anyhow, thanks for the help, and see you in the hardware forum.   8)
Title: Re: Internet Explorer crashes on certain sites
Post by: Dick Ackerman on July 01, 2004, 11:46:39 PM
I have been having the same problems as the first post. Exact same messages, info, etc. Tried all kinds of things per some other 'puter help' sites & nothing. I can't access the macromedia site that merlin recommends---I keep getting the "encountered a problem" message. Won't have access to another puter for at least a week. (Live fulltime in a motorhome & traveling)
Thanks for any help.