Computer Hope

Software => Computer programming => Topic started by: acidblue on July 31, 2010, 10:37:33 AM

Title: Perl help "permission denied" when reading files from directory.
Post by: acidblue on July 31, 2010, 10:37:33 AM
I'm getting a "permission denied" error from the local computer,(WinXp), when I try reading files to upload  to my FTP server.
This happens whether its a single file or reading multiple files from a directory.
Also tried with passive on or off.

Reading from directory error:
"Cannot open Local file C:\Documents and Settings\user\Folder1\Folder2\file: Permission denied"

Code: [Select]
use File::HomeDir;
use Net::FTP;

$path=home()."\\My Documents\\My Pictures";

my $server    = "";
my $username  = "usr";
my $pass      = "pass";

print "Connecting to $server..";

# Set up connection
$ftp = Net::FTP->new( $server, Passive => 0, Debug => 3 ) or die $@;
print "..authenticating..";

# Log in...
$ftp->login( $username, $pass ) or die $ftp->message;
print "..done!\n";

print $ftp->pwd (), "\n";
$ftp->cwd('/ftp') or die $ftp->message;
print $ftp->pwd (), "\n";

# set mode to binary

# read local directory to upload files
opendir(DIR, "$path");
my @files = readdir(DIR);
foreach my $file (@files)
    if (not -d $file)
        $ftp->put("$path\\$file") or die " Upload error, quiting..";

Single file code give a "permission denied" error.

Code: [Select]
use Net::FTP;
use File::HomeDir;

my $server = "";
my $username  = "user";
my $pass      = "pass";

$path=home()."\\My Documents\\My Pictures";

print "Connecting to $server..";

# Set up connection
$ftp = Net::FTP->new( $server, Passive => 1, Debug => 1 ) or die $@;
print "..authenticating..";

# Log in...
$ftp->login( $username, $pass ) or die $ftp->message;
print "..done!\n";

print $ftp->pwd (), "\n";
$ftp->cwd('/') or die $ftp->message;
print $ftp->pwd (), "\n";

# Upload file

Title: Re: Perl help "permission denied" when reading files from directory.
Post by: acidblue on August 01, 2010, 05:54:37 PM
Ok I figured it out, it was the "or die" part of my code.
When ever it came to a folder the script would quit giving me the "Permissions error".

Removing the 'or die" part seems to solve this. Actually changing it to 'warn' is probably better.

Now if I can figure out how to upload folders recursively that would be great.