Computer Hope

Software => Computer software => Topic started by: br3akth3w1nd on September 10, 2010, 11:23:54 AM

Title: Almost 50% memory usage non-stop
Post by: br3akth3w1nd on September 10, 2010, 11:23:54 AM
Hi guys! Ive noticed that My memory usage doesnt go down from 1.6 GB out of 4 GB even with no applications running.
Physical Memory
Total: 4095
Cached: 2247
Available: 2451
Free: 255
Compared to my 3% CPU usage this looks really bad ;d I closed the sidebar, bitcomet, skype, browser and most processes that use over 10 000 K of memory but it goes down only to 1.3 GB. Is this normal? My OS is Windows 7 Ultimate.
P.S. I have only one account on this computer.
Title: Re: Almost 50% memory usage non-stop
Post by: Azzaboi on September 10, 2010, 11:46:55 AM
Your talking about Microsoft Windows and your wondering why it's goobled your memory?

It will start off and use about 1GB of cached memory and have a 4GB paging file on your Hard Drive, depending on how much system memory you have (calculated on default settings for 4GB). More RAM you have, the more it ironicy uses in virtual memory (by default).

All the DLLs and stuff your opened in the past, gets stored in cache (to hopefully open faster next time) up to that limit. Normally it's system managed. It's not recommended you disable this feature unless your got a lot of memory otherwise Windows will run like a dog.

It's pretty normal, be glad you have Windows 7 Ultimate - it's one of the slightly less hungry ones.

For the Paging File, check:
Control Panel > System > Advance System Settings >
Advanced > Performance 'Settings' > Advanced > Virtual Memory 'Change'

Wow, three times it says 'Advance', must be something really advance! Not really, messing around with it however can make or bring the core Windows performance. They just don't want you to.

Your computer at idle (even with virus scanner in the background) should be around 0% processing / 25% physical memory (1GB out of 4GB). Depending on background services and programs running this will go up. The 3% CPU usage if continous is more alarming, but this could be your virus scanner?

Under Start > All Programs > Startup, check for any unneeded startups and remove them (only if you know). It is better to have things that you sometimes use under the taskbar or sidebar as shortcuts to quick launch when you need them, rather than having them start up each time you turn on the computer.

Start > Run > 'msconfig' (without the quotes) and check the Startup tab there too.

You can run 'services.msc' and stop half of those useless background services (but be careful and know what ones you don't want). This would cut down on the system use and also make the computer more secure in some cases. Disable something wrong however can prevent the OS or an application from running correctly.

ps. Bitcomet is P2P torrent network, aka a 'peer leecher' trojan, that would be using up the system and bandwidth mostly. It uploads 2/3 more than download and lies about it stats. Use at your own risk.
Title: Re: Almost 50% memory usage non-stop
Post by: br3akth3w1nd on September 10, 2010, 12:55:32 PM
Hey thanks a lot for the info! I guess I dont have much to worry about the usage of my memory. Btw Ive been using BitComet since.. since I started messing with torrents ;D. Ive tried uTorrent but its interface is kind of ugly for me. I also tried Azerus, that was too heavy for my last computer and I dont want to bring this one down to its knees too. What torrent client are you using? ???
Title: Re: Almost 50% memory usage non-stop
Post by: Azzaboi on September 10, 2010, 03:09:19 PM
I don't use torrents anymore, way too slow... when I can get Megabit speeds else where with no upload bandwidth leeching.

I've used and hated torrent clients in the past, some better than others but all most are rubbish. Plus the downloads have a 50/50 chances of being infected. The other computer(s) sharing could be unaware it's files are infected, or people like to fake files and inject trojans to share, etc. Make sure you pick safe sources.

My friend use to use Azerus with a so-called addon 'speed boost' pack, soon found out it was sharing his entire computer rather than just the selected share folder and leeching off some important docs, lol.

You can easy create your very own to simply leech and use other computers in a VB program... knowing, trying that, seeing the security holes to easily access and leech anything, I stopped using P2P.
Title: Re: Almost 50% memory usage non-stop
Post by: Allan on September 10, 2010, 03:17:06 PM
Let me explain this as simply as possible: Free memory is wasted memory. Windows manages memory very well. Unless you are experiencing some problem, stop looking at memory usage.
Title: Re: Almost 50% memory usage non-stop
Post by: patio on September 10, 2010, 04:44:45 PM
On top of the gobbleydeygook posted above...
Title: Re: Almost 50% memory usage non-stop
Post by: Broni on September 10, 2010, 08:00:34 PM
As Allan said...
Vista and 7 handle RAM in very different way, than previous Windows versions.
Read here:

P. S.
Your talking about Microsoft Windows and your wondering why it's goobled your memory?
You forgot about gremlins...
...pure nonsense...
Title: Re: Almost 50% memory usage non-stop
Post by: Allan on September 11, 2010, 04:07:46 AM
P. S. You forgot about gremlins...
...pure nonsense...
As is 99% of what he posts.
Title: Re: Almost 50% memory usage non-stop
Post by: Azzaboi on September 11, 2010, 11:22:42 AM
Okay Mr Trolls... I post nonsense which actually answers the questions,
you post answers like 'please.', 'huh', why?', just do what i say', and most of the rest of the time your trolling.

The post owner didn't even ask about Vista, I didn't even meation Vista...
My OS is Windows 7 Ultimate.

If anything, you two posted the nonsense useless information.
All just because I said ALL Windows goobles memory and explained why (using it for caching / performance), don't disable it but here's some ways to reduce it.

You take one line out of context and call it all nonsense, and also don't offer any advice yourself, you then call this a support computer help forum, huh?

The part about the gremlins was funny, the rest of your posts is pure unrelated nonsense...
Title: Re: Almost 50% memory usage non-stop
Post by: Broni on September 11, 2010, 11:26:56 AM
Of course....and I'm not sure, if you're aware of, but Bill Gates is actually an alien, who was sent here to destroy the Earth.
Title: Re: Almost 50% memory usage non-stop
Post by: patio on September 11, 2010, 03:09:57 PM
Title: Re: Almost 50% memory usage non-stop
Post by: BC_Programmer on September 11, 2010, 09:23:53 PM
Okay Mr Trolls... I post nonsense which actually answers the questions,
you post answers like 'please.', 'huh', why?', just do what i say', and most of the rest of the time your trolling.
You are the one trolling.

The post owner didn't even ask about Vista, I didn't even mention Vista...

um.... ok... aside from Broni's reference to "Vista and 7 use RAM differently..." And they do. If he had said:

windows 7 handles RAM in very different way, than previous Windows versions.
That would have been wrong.

If anything, you two posted the nonsense useless information.

Broni's advice is the most relevant and is a clarification of the equally accurate notation made by Allan.

All just because I said ALL Windows goobles memory and explained why (using it for caching / performance), don't disable it but here's some ways to reduce it.

You described it rather inaccurately. And then you give instructions on changing the very things that are best left unchanged. They never asked about Virtual Memory, but the tangent you went on about it caused you to describe how to change their settings as well as provide a inaccurate synopsis on how it works.

You take one line out of context and call it all nonsense, and also don't offer any advice yourself, you then call this a support computer help forum, huh?
Allan and Broni provided far more relevant help, and their posts didn't fall into the category of failed "Look how smart I am" posts.

Title: Re: Almost 50% memory usage non-stop
Post by: Azzaboi on September 11, 2010, 11:58:32 PM
er... Windows Vista may have a different approach to memory management (screwing it up), but then Windows 7 radically changes that again (fixing it slightly).

In Windows Vista, the more application windows you had open, the more memory required. Every window accounts for two memory allocations – one in video memory and one in system memory – which hold identical content.

Windows 7 changes this by getting rid of the system memory copy entirely, which effectively cuts the memory consumed in half.

The SuperFetch feature in Windows 7 differs significantly in approach and cache usage from its counterpart in Vista. Under Vista, the caching of applications starts immediately at launch. By that point, Vista’s SuperFetch has allocated more than 1.5GB.

In Windows 7, SuperFetch delays till needed and a little more than 600MB has been allocated vs the 1.5GB of Vista. Even without SuperFetch turned on, Windows 7 makes fewer demands on cache.

Just saying...
Windows manages memory very well.

and to stop looking at memory usage, isn't much help. It's ignoring the question. Nor is posting something about how Vista is a memory hog. We already know that, this however is Win 7 and shouldn't be as bad.

Giving advice on reducing the footprint, yes can be scary and danagerous for some, however I did give warning and gave the knowledge to clean up anything which might of been hogging the memory. Tweaking = more memory and system resources, meaning better performance in applications and games.

(the differences is I don't treat people as noobs or throw out the question as being silly, I see my computer doing something weird, running slower, or using more resources, I'll like to find out why and tweak or fix it, sorry if that's an issue)

As for how smart I am, I also know 1+1=2?!!?!! I really want to show off huh by being anonymous and answering questions, trying to explain why and offering advice, trying to help random people? Can you tell me the point in that? You still clearly still have no idea why I'm here. Nor am i perfect, if it's inaccurate or not clear, feel free to correct.
Title: Re: Almost 50% memory usage non-stop
Post by: br3akth3w1nd on September 12, 2010, 10:00:28 AM
Ok.. the truth is that I tried to play GTA IV at max graphics and everything, but it said I only got like 2000mb to use for it. Than I opened the task manager to see whats wrong, I mean I know I have somewhere around 4000mb. I saw that 1/2 of my memory is being used non stop and posted a topic here, hoping that there is a way to reduce it to minumum and play at maximum graphics and stuff ^_^. Thats all :)
Title: Re: Almost 50% memory usage non-stop
Post by: Azzaboi on September 12, 2010, 11:33:29 AM
GTA IV draws a lot on the graphic card memory first before using system memory and locks increasing or maxing the grahics if there isn't enough. There are tweaks available, but the best option however is a new graphic card with a lot of onboard memory, if you really want to max it out with smooth lag free performance @ max graphics.

Download the latest graphic card drivers, specially if using a nVidia graphic card (that has a performance tweak increasing builtin specially for this game).

Upgrade GTA 4 with all the latest patchs, this game is released early riddled with bugs, slow downs and glitchs. This will help fix some.

If low memory graphic memory - try setting the resolution in the ingame settings to 800x600 (ugly low resolution), however you then will find you can then max all the other settings nicer and it looks better without graphical glitching and not limiting up as much. The more higher resolution you add requires larger textures which if it can't fit in graphic memory, slows and/or rips or simply restricts you from increase it.

View distance is the next huge graphic performance on this game, increasing that goobles more memory. You might have to reduce it a bit to get things running smoothly.

Turn shadow Density down (even all the way to 0), it also makes a huge difference.

Turn off 'clip capture' under the Game menu when you're actually playing the game, huge difference.

Disable v-sync - if your not getting any ripping effect. Unlimits your fps.

Run the social club in offline mode or rip it off the game entirely. Reviews showed the cracked version of the game actually was benchmarked to run faster fps than the original DVD. Just don't do anything illegal now, your'll lose out on the patch updates, etc.

If you really want to each time you start the game to give system prority:
press ctrl+alt+delete and set highest prority for 'GTAIV.exe' and 'LaunchGTAIV.exe' then return to game and play.

(Not recommended to use UN-RESTRICTION, but if you want to try)

You can add the parameter on startup (right click the icon and at the end of the target line) add:

This will remove it's force restriction (first for video memory, second for system resources), if you believe your computer can handle more.

or if you really don't have enough video memory and don't wish to upgrade, use this instead:
-availablevidmem 2.0

This is a multiplyer on the game thinking there's more video memory. So if you have 256MB graphic card, it would think it's a 512MB, etc. When the game has used up all video memory, it will try use your system memory or virtual memory instead which will be slower but removes the restriction.

Seriously though, the graphic card can make or break this game like a twig!
Even if it's a high performance but low memory one.