Computer Hope

Software => Computer programming => Topic started by: CrashX on January 19, 2011, 07:53:58 PM

Title: Easiest programming language
Post by: CrashX on January 19, 2011, 07:53:58 PM
What is the easiest programming language for a beginner to pick up?
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: ghostdog74 on January 19, 2011, 08:36:00 PM
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: Geek-9pm on January 19, 2011, 08:52:25 PM

Python Wiki Beginners Guide (
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: 2x3i5x on January 20, 2011, 12:59:43 AM
easiest programming language to learn overall or easiest programming language to learn that will do what you want?
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: Fleexy on January 21, 2011, 06:57:53 PM
VisualBASIC 6 (see Microsoft's website for download)
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: BC_Programmer on January 21, 2011, 07:39:49 PM
VisualBASIC 6 (see Microsoft's website for download)

A:) It's Visual Basic 6 (the Basic portion of the name is not capitalized)

B:) it's not available for download on the MS site. Probably because of Reason C.

C:) It's outdated. One has to perform all sorts of rather messy hacks (trust me, I know because I've had to do them) to get applications working simply with XP; the current pushing against you in the upstream battle get's stronger with Windows Vista, 7, UAC, and 64-bit. It's not worth it. the Express .NET languages might be something worth mentioning. Of course since we have no idea what purpose they have in mind or what their end-goal is any and all recommendations will be entirely subjective.

Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: Geek-9pm on January 22, 2011, 09:54:39 PM
The question posed was about the easiest one to learn . Then the question was expanded to include the best. And then another comment was made about its use  for programming in the future. Therefore what the OP would be seeking  is a way to write computer programs to meet the following criteria.
Already in use.
Easiest to learn.
Powerful and fast.
Usable in the foreseeable future.
Of all the current popular languages available, the only one that comes close to meeting all of the above becomes so obvious that if it was a snake in the grass, since snake would do with snakes do, it would bite you. Of course, we are talking about a creature that is called Python.

Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: BC_Programmer on January 23, 2011, 04:16:09 AM

Of all the current popular languages available, the only one that comes close to meeting all of the above becomes so obvious that if it was a snake in the grass, since snake would do with snakes do, it would bite you. Of course, we are talking about a creature that is called Python.
Python was not named after the animal, in any sense. It was named after Monty Python.

Additionally, the OP has not replied in this thread yet so I'm curious how you managed to get the extra requirements you list.
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: Luthfi on February 21, 2011, 03:17:06 AM
Pascal is the easiest programming language. It's designed to be easy to read, it's strict-typing making it easier to avoid "silly" mistakes. :)

Try Delphi (the most popular Pascal dialect) or FreePascal/Lazarus.
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: ghostdog74 on February 28, 2011, 06:13:47 AM
Pascal is the easiest programming language. It's designed to be easy to read, it's strict-typing making it easier to avoid "silly" mistakes. :)

Try Delphi (the most popular Pascal dialect) or FreePascal/Lazarus.

sometimes we just want to learn and then use it in common everyday tasks. Pascal and Delphi? are you serious?
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: Geek-9pm on February 28, 2011, 09:29:12 AM
sometimes we just want to learn and then use it in common everyday tasks. Pascal and Delphi? are you serious?
Yes, he is.
Upgrade to Delphi 2010, or stick with Delphi 7 “forever”? (
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: Linux711 on March 02, 2011, 11:25:12 AM
VisualBASIC 6 (see Microsoft's website for download)
I would agree that VB6 is a good place to START, but after you've mastered it, don't stay with it too long because as BC said, it is pretty outdated. That doesn't mean that you can't learn from it though.

The part about VB6 being avail on microsoft is completely false. If you want something free to download, then try python. I would not try .NET though because your are just adding more layers to an already huge infrastructure. I know BC is going to say how great .NET is, but I stick to lower level languages. I don't like the bloat.

It's outdated. One has to perform all sorts of rather messy hacks (trust me, I know because I've had to do them) to get applications working simply with XP;

What are you talking about? Every VB6 app that I made runs fine on XP without any changes.
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: BC_Programmer on March 02, 2011, 12:44:08 PM
I would agree that VB6 is a good place to START,
No. It's NOT a good place to start. May as well suggest people start with QuickBasic. Seems reasonable at first, until you realize that VB6 is a commercial product, the Learning Edition cannot compile programs and is all but useless for any kind of development, and you can either get FreeBASIC or VB.NET for free, not to mention of course C# Express and python and so forth.

VIsual Basic 6 is from 1998. Unless you want your programs to look 13 years old, you'll need to use all sort of third-party libraries to work around the limitations of Visual Basic 6 that prevent it from doing perfectly reasonable things that more modern/updated languages have built in- such as the aforementioned 32-bit image support. Once you start doing that you realize why Microsoft Abandoned COM. And if you ever have to write a COM component in C++ (specifically, without ATL) then you won't be saying that "lower level" languages aren't bloated. It takes reams of code to create a standard COM object that takes a few lines in VB6, with the exception that you cannot use about 20 percent of the most useful Automation types, cannot implement any standard COM interface (ever have to implement IEnumVariant? Do you REALLY think that directly modifying the Vtable in memory is something that is perfect for beginners? Having to create code modules that contain sets of pointers that directly manipulate memory just to work around the fact that VB6 doesn't let you implement an interface that happens to have a method that is named "Next" is absolutely stupid, particularly since any modern language let's you get the same functionality that implementing IEnumVariant would  give you with a single statement- C#'s "yield return" and Python's... well, I'm not sure what the python statement is, but it does have  iterative methods. it also supports lambda expressions, iterators, delegates, and functional programming; so do C#, VB.NET, F#, Java (at least in it's latest incarnations), Scala, Haskell and even (although I'm not sure) FreeBASIC to some extent. VB6 doesn't because- as I said- it's 13 years old. If you want to learn relevant programming techniques for the here and now you need a language that has been kept up to date with here and now. using a 13 year old language- particularly one that is a abandoned commercial product (which doesn't make it free, but makes it throwing money down a hole even to buy it second hand) when you have so many free and significantly better supported and modern languages available isn't being industrious, it's being a hard-headed buffoon.

That doesn't mean that you can't learn from it though.
All you can learn from it, is history; and maybe about the ridiculous three-tier architecture that was so popular... 13 years ago- but isn't now.

I would not try .NET though because your are just adding more layers to an already huge infrastructure. I know BC is going to say how great .NET is, but I stick to lower level languages. I don't like the bloat.
I'm not going to say "how great .NET is" I'm going to say how wrong you are in your various assumptions. I'll go through them one by one.

-.NET adds more layers to an already huge infrastructure

What infrastructure? *censored* are you even talking about? How is .NET's class library any different from Java's or Python Modules? It's not, except in your mind. Additionally, having a good class library is something people seem to underrate far too often. This is clear because you seem to be championing VB6, whose basic functionality is to any modern languages functionality as a Lungfish brain is to a human brain. That is, possibly worth study but otherwise useless.

-but I stick to lower level languages. I don't like the bloat.

First off, Visual Basic 6 isn't a "lower level language" neither is python. If you believe that you are deluding yourself. C++ is, but again if you had ever written a non-trivial windows application or COM library in C++ you would know it either turns out bloated or full of template classes (a 'la ATL).
Even though VB6 isn't a lower level language, the bloat argument doesn't apply; half of the functionality of my VB6 programs comes from separate ActiveX controls and reams of separate code- the VB6 code required to show a "Right-click context menu" ( for a file is over 64K, and that still isn't all that's required- there are separate class modules, Type Library References, and the like that that code still requires to work. And a good portion of the interfaces in ISHF_EXT and olelib2 (which you should be familiar with if you call yourself a VB6 programmer) which would otherwise have relatively sane implementations, need the creation of separate modules with reams of code to essentially bit-bash the Vtable of a simulated COM object just so you can properly "implement" an interface whose method name happens to correspond with a reserved word. And Heaven forbid you try to implement an interface with an unsupported type- welcome to vague city. GO ahead, try to make your own implementation of IDispatchEx. At least more modern languages have well thought out support for objects and interfaces. VB6 is just using the same old rusty sign that was stapled onto VB4, and at that point it was so weighed down by webclasses, Interface (but not implementation) inheritance, and the fact that you had to manually bash the bits to get otherwise bog-standard (if not badly designed) Interfaces like IEnumVariant working properly, it was no wonder they decided to scrap the entire thing and start anew. It was pretty obvious this was going to happen when you realize that all that VB6 introduced over VB5 was a few functions and the fact that you can return UDT's from functions. Clearly they had already started work on what was to become .NET.

The only semi-reasonable argument against .NET is that it needs to be installed on the client machine and it is big. of course that falls apart since most modern Windows OS's have a version installed by default and even those that don't are almost certainly not "clean" installs of the OS and have probably picked up the framework via necessity of other applications being installed; That and the fact that the Java VM never seems to get the same amount of flak make me wonder if those pushing these arguments aren't merely pushing them through there own Anti .NET tunnel-vision, without regard for the fact that their arguments are so general they apply to far more then the target they are aiming at.

What are you talking about? Every VB6 app that I made runs fine on XP without any changes.
That's because you are making Standard EXE's and not using any custom controls or ActiveX DLLs written by you or anybody else.

Once you start using custom controls- and if you want a application that looks even semi-modern, you will need to- Almost NONE of BCSearch is using the default controls.

-The menu and toolbar is a VBAccelerator commandbar control. The interface to which is so complicated that I ended up simply writing a class that populates it from a XML file.

This COmmandBar is awesome, since it adds two things that VB6 should have by default:

-proper support form manipulating Menus as if they were heirarchal... (because, you know, they are)
Specifically, There is no way to programmatically create a submenu without resorting to the Menu API calls, and then you no longer have Menu Objects to line up with those new MenuItems so you have to subclass the form entirely to handle the various Menu Commands. Then you have to find out a way to map a menuID to a actual Menu Object so you can find out if a menu already has a handler that would be invoked if you were to call the Default Window Procedure or whether it is one of the menus you created using the Menuing API, and then you give up and merely handle all the menu commands in the Subclassed Windows Procedure, which pretty much bars you from ever using the debugging tools within that handler, unless you use ANOTHER third party library to handle the subclassing of the window, (How is that for "adding more layers"?), And by that point your code is no longer VB6 code, it's C/C++ code win VB clothing- I mean, handling the Window procedure and using a giant Select case to determine the window message? .NET actually allows you to manage heirarchal menus as if they were- (get this) a heirarchy of menus! No more fecking stupid Control arrays. .NET is hardly alone. Java has this as well. And while I am far less familiar with it I have no doubt Python does as well in the various Win32 modules. Once you use AddressOf in VB6 to subclass a window, you've turned your application into a rube goldberg device. Any error or crash inside the Window procedure and the entire application dissapears. In the middle of debugging? Hope you saved since VB6 crashes without warning as well. If you want to write "modern" code in VB6 you have to resort to subclassing nearly everything and writing a window procedure. If you want to write a window procedure, you should use C/C++ (or .NET, did I mention that it has built-in support for subclassing, merely as an Event on the Windows Form? Same with WPF Windows, I believe)

-Listviews are VBAccelerator Listviews. Because the default Common Controls 5 & 6 Listviews are awful. Anybody who says otherwise hasn't used them very much. The Version 5 Common controls suck because they are version 5,(1996) and the version 6 Common Controls suck because they aren't even the Windows Common controls, they are entirely unique controls, so you cannot do any "fancy" subclassing stuff on them even if you know exactly what you are doing, since the comctl32 library isn't involved at all.

-I had to write an entire File Library to work around the fact that VB6's built-in support for file/folder manipulation is about as sophisticated as the BASICA's, which is to say they are almost identical. That's some good progress there. The FileSystemObject hardly makes up for that since it only supports text files and was pretty much banged out in an hour. That, and it's for use with Scripting languages. Quick, what's the VB6 function to get the Icon of a file? That was a trick question. There isn't one. SHGetFileInfo() is simple enough with practice but unless you happen to have a ImageList that supports 32-bit icons you'll just end up with an ugly mess of black shadowy icons. Neither of the ImageList Controls shipped with VB6 supported 32-bit icons or bitmaps.

-Requires a Manifest file (either as Search.exe.manifest or embedded as Resource 24, the latter of which requires the freaking Resource compiler from the SDK) in order to draw properly with uxthemes in XP or using the Vista/7 styles; without it that image uses standard buttons since Windows links the executable to Common Controls version 5.0; this also means that almost half your application could fall apart thanks to your objects suddenly being an older version but you working with them as if they were newer.

Which I might point out are ridiculous to try working with in VB6. Go ahead. try it. If you enjoy messing around with hbitmaps and creating your own Imagelist handles, then it's a blast, but trust me when I say that wears off. None of the "standard" controls included with VB6 let you use a Alpha channel, in fact with most of them even the support for transparency seems to be an afterthought. The fact that the ImageList has to be a control with those severely limits it's usefulness (thus why I used a separate class of my own writing- and now one from VBAccelerator- so that I can keep it around in a singleton class rather then have a stupid resource only form lying around, something which I would have expected to abandon after I stopped using Visual Basic version 2.0, but apparently that wasn't the case.

And that doesn't even touch on the fact that VB6 is entirely locked to the windows platform. (Or wine); at least .NET programs can be run with Mono. It's still painful, but at least it's Possible to run it natively on that platform. And Of course Java, Python, perl, etc have absolutely no problems whatsoever, and are even installed by default with most distributions.

Recommending anybody learn VB6 in 2011 is like recommending they jump into a swimming pool filled with double-edged razor blades. It's stupid and anybody following said suggestion is either stupid themselves or too naive to understand why it's stupid.
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: maymon123 on March 03, 2011, 10:27:15 AM
Try Visual Basic. (VB scripts).
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: ericb82 on March 11, 2011, 06:17:46 AM
If you are talking about a program you could learn easily including the syntax and how it works, you could try C or C++.  Some languages like python, would be easy to pick up but this is for advance programmers who already know how to formulate logic.  C is good because unlike java, which is an object oriented language, it functions as a whole block.
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: BC_Programmer on March 11, 2011, 09:29:34 AM
If you are talking about a program you could learn easily including the syntax and how it works, you could try C or C++.  Some languages like python, would be easy to pick up but this is for advance programmers who already know how to formulate logic. 

None of that makes sense. C and C++ have the most complicated syntax and grammar of most programming languages (to the point where C++ is often poked fun at for this very reason). "formulating logic" is something somebody will have to know how to do to even start programming. It's not something only "advanced programmers" would know, and it's no easier to learn how to "formulate logic" with C/C++ then it is with python. Harder, I would guess, given the extra hoops you have to jump through to do anything useful a lot of the time.

C is good because unlike java, which is an object oriented language, it functions as a whole block.
That also makes no sense. How does C "function as a whole block" and how does it's not having any Object Oriented constructs whatsoever (aside from the programmer being able to create their own virtual method tables in a struct) make it advantageous? There is no doubt that often the additional overhead of having to encapsulate objects in classes and objects can be burdensome for programs designed for simple tasks, but to push it's complete absence as an advantage is ridiculous, especially since such an advantage is completely subjective.
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: Geek-9pm on March 11, 2011, 10:39:43 AM
BC, I would not add or take waway anything you say.
I wish to observe that thenOP has not yet replied. Perhaps he wants a simple quick answer that would require little effort and time.
Here is an internet quote about how there is a collective wishbone for 'learn how to program quickly.'

Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
Peter Norvig

Why is everyone in such a rush?
Walk into any bookstore, and you'll see how to Teach Yourself Java in 7 Days alongside endless variations offering to teach Visual Basic, Windows, the Internet, and so on in a few days or hours. I did the following power search at

     pubdate: after 1992 and title: days and
      (title: learn or title: teach yourself)

and got back 248 hits. The first 78 were computer books (number 79 was Learn Bengali in 30 days). I replaced "days" with "hours" and got remarkably similar results: 253 more books, with 77 computer books followed by Teach Yourself Grammar and Style in 24 Hours at number 78. Out of the top 200 total, 96% were computer books.
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: foxhound on April 01, 2011, 09:00:35 PM
I really picked up programming from Windows Batch. After I got tired of making scripts to automate some stuff with my computer, I tried PHP and never looked back. The future is on the web. There's more demand for back-end developers so if  web developement is something you're looking to do at a career level, I would start with HTML/CSS/JS and slowly go to the server side languages with PHP as a starting point and then going on to ASP.NET, Python,  etc..
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: imransindhu on April 24, 2011, 12:55:39 PM
how i can learn c++ in easy way
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: Geek-9pm on April 24, 2011, 04:07:08 PM
how i can learn c++ in easy way
See my post #16. It is always easy if you allow ten years.
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: 2x3i5x on April 27, 2011, 01:20:11 PM
how i can learn c++ in easy way

read the tutorial from ( thoroughly and practice a minimum of 10,000 hours.
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: Geek-9pm on April 27, 2011, 01:44:44 PM
read the tutorial from ( thoroughly and practice a minimum of 10,000 hours.
With no disrespect, 2x3i5x,
The OP seems to be bright and attentive.
I wood say he can do well in -
just 9,600 hours of -
constant daily practice on C++.

After all, it is not too hard. :P
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: BC_Programmer on April 27, 2011, 01:57:43 PM
C++ isn't difficult, but it has a lot of complicated rules to learn such as Koenig lookup, SFINAE, RAII, exception safety etc. It is also extremely flexible, allowing such things as template meta-programming, and the main confusion is that when you use C, or C++, you are really working in two languages; the language the preprocessor understands and the language the compiler understands. Either way you only pay for what you use, but when there is so much you can use, it takes a lot if you want to learn it all.

But there is never a good reason to "learn it all". Learn only what is applicable to your current need for C++, because if you go gallavanting around learning about template classes when you don't need them, you'll just end up re-learning them when you do.
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: Geek-9pm on April 27, 2011, 02:29:53 PM
But there is never a good reason to "learn it all". Learn only what is applicable to your current need...

Good idea even out of context.  :)
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: LovingTheBatchofCookies on April 28, 2011, 03:49:22 AM
I'm not much of a programmer but I did program in 8086 assembly and later BASIC and have kept up with DOS through Win98SE .. and then only run XP and Vista without digging deep into them. (I mod the registry is about a far as I go) ..

It depends on what you want to do with programming. If it's simply the exercise of learning something in computer language, I really suggest that you go back as far as you can and look over all of the programming 'languages' of which assembly is one and C++ is one of the latest.

Every 'thing' has a programming language including genetics, x-y machine shop machines, your automobile, and nearly any thing you can think of.

So when you ask which is 'easiest' it depends what you plan to do with it.
I do believe that no matter which language you choose you'll be miles and years ahead when you take the time to study the history of all languages.

You can limit yourself to those, languages, that are in line with the one you
focus on and over time branch out to those which had support roles for
the one you focus on.  They all had something to contribute.

The reason to look at them all is because no language is perfect.  You'll
find that other languages have benefits to them which the one you
use lacks.  This won't mean you can combine them but it will mean
that when you see the limitations you'll be better prepared to set
a course when you get down to actually using your chosen language.

Even in English I've learned that it pays, my thinking, to know what
words mean in other languages.  Most of English came from French, or
Greek, a bit from Latin.  Knowing where from and why an English word
was created makes me that much better at using it. 

Check out your aptitude and if it's languages then 'any' languages will
be of interest to your brain.  Stop feeding it and your brain will atrophy.
Feed your brain and you can feed everyone else's brain.
Title: Re: Easiest programming language
Post by: Geek-9pm on April 28, 2011, 11:39:26 AM
I like your post.  :)