Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: Joleen on June 24, 2004, 08:52:56 AM

Title: Re: Shattering CD
Post by: Joleen on June 24, 2004, 08:52:56 AM
Well.. I'd say something hit or stressed it.
Title: Re: Shattering CD
Post by: chade on June 24, 2004, 09:00:05 AM
Most likely - a faulty CD.  CDs can become cracked/chipped, or unbalanced (due perhaps to a sticker applied to the top, or a label applied not centered).  Used to not be a problem with older (slower) CD drives - but as they've sped up (past 50x!!) more minor defects are having more serious side effects.

I saw a test once done by a European University (I think University, maybe a research centre) that tested CDs at high speeds - concluding I think that 48x was the maximum speed before A GOOD DISC could explode.  Imagine what speed you have to spin a cracked disc at before it becomes a missile....

Course it might not have been the CD.  It might have been the drive, or possibly something IN the drive that made it go bume.

Careful with that drive - I've seen drives where CDs shattered - the pieces can be blown INTO the drive, meaning the next disc to be inserted could potentially  become a spinning disc of death too.
Title: Re: Shattering CD
Post by: merlin on June 24, 2004, 06:20:03 PM
Why would a Cd in the Cd drive shatter while running?  

no ???? there are safe faults with most things..

one if there  is a fault with it it  would not do anything with it  two it would not run  and why ask this question it a quiz question...and if it takes two to men to dig one hole a day how many does it take to dig half an hole??? answer please here>
Title: Re: Shattering CD
Post by: chade on June 24, 2004, 07:48:33 PM
CDs that are faulty CAN run.  Sometimes they will spin up and down and up and down relentlessly trying to seek tracks it can't find.

Theresa will have to answer why she asked the question - but I'd guess she had one shatter on her, or knows someone who did.  A nasty experience to be sure.

Given enough time, I'm sure a man can dig a hole big enough to satisfy anyone.  The question is, will he require help to extract himself from it?
Title: Re: Shattering CD
Post by: Raptor on June 25, 2004, 06:53:14 AM
You're wrong there, Merlin.

I've had a CD shatter. A(n) (orginal) copy of Black & White. I was playing and after approximately an hour of running the game the CD just said *knack* and there was a crack leading from the edge to the center.

Now, explain me, how is that not possible?

You're playing for the one-hundred-thousand dollar question now, Merlin...
Title: Re: Shattering CD
Post by: merlin on June 26, 2004, 12:20:41 PM
pay up raptor swiss bank account details to follow ;D if you read my last reply i stated there ; maybe a fault with it?and my answer to the ridddle is you cannot dig half an hole...