Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: Luca257 on February 27, 2011, 12:17:48 PM

Title: Broken graphics chip
Post by: Luca257 on February 27, 2011, 12:17:48 PM
Recently my laptop (INSPIRON 9300, using windows xp) overheated. When it did the screen turned blank.  I restarted it but at the login screen it went black, it didn't even glow, this basically made normal mode useless on my computer because I can’t see anything.  I restarted again in safe mode, it worked.

I restored my computer to a previous time, it still didn't work.  When I asked for help in chat, some helpful people helped me, but they had to go before I was done.   :'(

My display adapter is 'NVIDIA GeForce Go 6800'  In device Manager, it has no yellow (!) next to it.  In properties I am given the option to 'Update Driver' or 'Roll Back Driver'.  I tried 'Roll Back Driver' but I got this message

'No files have been backed up for this device.
If you’re having problems with this device, you should view the troubleshooter information. Would you like to launch the troubleshooter? [yes] [no] '

'Update Driver' only gives me links to shops to buy better drivers.

My laptop is old and a hand-me-down from my brother, so it's not worth spending money on it to me, because it works in safe mode.  Also I have found that there are no other problems from the overheating.

I was wondering if there was anything else I could do to fix the graphics, besides spending money on it.

P.S. If there is no other way to fix it.  I would want to know if there is a way to change safe mode so it isn't so 'zoomed in'
Title: Re: Broken graphics chip
Post by: patio on February 27, 2011, 02:49:07 PM
If it works OK in safemode then you have installed the wrong drivers for the device...
Grab either the serial # or the model# from the card...
Travel to the manuf site enter the info and what OS you are running and DLoad and install the correct driver...

PS Drivers are Free...
PS #2 If it's onboard graphics the proper drivers will be at the MBoard manuf. site...not nVidia's...
I suspect this is how the issue started.
Title: Re: Broken graphics chip
Post by: Luca257 on February 27, 2011, 07:35:52 PM
Thank you for your help. I've had the laptop for a very long time and it didn't cause any problems before so I really don't think I have the wrong driver.  Also, I'm very confident the problem started when my laptop overheated, because that's when the screen turned blank and it didn't work after. Unfortunately, I don't know what MBoard is or how to find the card, I got the name of the display adapter from 'device manager'.

I've partly solved the problem on my own though.
I've dissabled my display adapter in safe mode and now the display works in normal mode, except the pixel rate has dropped tremendously and gaming on it is nearly impossible.
I've tested it and enabling my display adapter does make the screen go black.

Though another problem has come up, that I didn't recognize before.
For some reason, I can't put my laptop on standby.
When I shut the lid, the programs keeps going.
When I go to the 'shutdown options' (where normally I'm given the option to standby, shutdown or restart) the standby button is greyed out and unclickable.

This is a huge problem to me because I fear it will overheat again. 
Any tips on preventing overheating would be nice.

P.S. I think I named the thread wrong, it should be 'Broken Display Adapter'.  My bad.
Title: Re: Broken graphics chip
Post by: Geek-9pm on February 27, 2011, 08:06:59 PM
If your really like that computer, you may find a good used twin for under $200 on eBay. That may seem a high price to pay. True. But there is no sure way you can fix it for less if your time has any reasonable  value.
Title: Re: Broken graphics chip
Post by: Luca257 on February 27, 2011, 08:19:06 PM
Like I said before it is really old.  (Brother's hand-me down)
If I'm going to spend alot of money I'd rather save up for a new laptop instead.
I also have a very low budget of 5$ a week from allowance, so even 100$ is alot for me.

Right now I really don't want to spend money on it.  I don't even have an ebay account (too young).

If there is no other way to fix my laptop without spending money, I'll just not fix it.  It is functional and in time I could overlook it's flaws.

I'd appreciate any tips for preventing laptops from overheating though. Also if there is someway to enable standby again.
Right now it's fan blows out on the bottom so I used a towel to prop it up, so air circulates better.
Title: Re: Broken graphics chip
Post by: truenorth on February 28, 2011, 08:51:12 AM
Addressing ONLY your desire to deal with "overheating" even your limited financial resources (2 weeks allowance ought to do it) there are laptop cooler units available. Here is an example But by searching on the INTERNET or checking large stores  you can certainly find them cheaper than the one i have linked. However seriously i would want to do as patio suggested 1st (even though you have doubt's as to it's ability to change things). It only takes a bit of time to do and it will be free. By the way NEVER use a laptop on a soft surface such as a towel or bed--quickest way to ensure an overheating consequence. truenorth
Title: Re: Broken graphics chip
Post by: Computer_Commando on February 28, 2011, 11:59:35 AM
...laptop (INSPIRON 9300, using windows xp)...My display adapter is 'NVIDIA GeForce Go 6800'  ...
Download & install video driver from Dell:  nVidia GeForce Go 6800 (
Title: Re: Broken graphics chip
Post by: Luca257 on February 28, 2011, 09:21:06 PM
I don't have a credit card, so I can't buy things online...  I'll just try to be more careful next time.

I tried to download and install the video driver, but when I restarted it (so it could go in effect),  the screen turned blank again.  Now I realize that to fully solve the problem, I need to spend money.  I can live with a lower pixel rate, the inability to play online games (like maplestory) and to be unable to put my laptop into standby.

Problem solved!