Computer Hope

Software => BSD, Linux, and Unix => Topic started by: Birdy176 on August 27, 2005, 12:11:00 AM

Title: Deleting a Mandrake/Linux partition
Post by: Birdy176 on August 27, 2005, 12:11:00 AM
I had partitioned my secondary 20 MB hard drive into two equal partitions, into one of which I installed Mandrake which never worked. Since then (18 months ago, yes I am the patient type ...) when wanting to boot into WinME, I get the Linux splash screen which defaults into the unusable Linux if I don't quickly scroll down to the Windows choice and click on it.

I want to delete the partition and have full use of the second hard drive (20MB) for my photos in Windows.

How do I go about deleting the partion? My Partition Magic merely tells me that I have two partitions and that only one is available.
Title: Re: Deleting a Mandrake/Linux partition
Post by: SlackerLX on August 27, 2005, 09:48:04 AM
Boot with any LiveCD linux distros. Knoppix or whichever....
When it's up, open console and use partitioner
#cfdisk /dev/xxx
where xxx is the partition you want to remove