Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: Timelesscow on November 17, 2011, 04:31:44 PM

Title: ASUS N73S(V) Side-panel stopped
Post by: Timelesscow on November 17, 2011, 04:31:44 PM
Hello, i got my new ASUS N73S(V) a month ago, and after the first 2 weeks, the side-panel for my keyboad stopped working.
This is not the side-panel with all the numbers and Pgdn/Pgup. But this is a side-panel with a mute button, play/stop, Increase volume, Decrease Volume, Next and Previous. Like a movie-sidepanel. But it just stopped or its not responding, the buttons have a light in them and they glow, but they won't do anything... Is it a driver i need to re-install or is the glitch on the motherboard (so i have to send it for service)

So if anyone has had the same problem or something like this, please respond how you fixed it.
Title: Re: ASUS N73S(V) Side-panel stopped
Post by: Transfusion on November 17, 2011, 07:05:07 PM
This is a laptop, I see.
No I doubt its a glitch on the motherboard, the side panel key functions are unassigned by default and when you put the drivers into action, Windows configures them to do specific actions, like, play, volume up, enter full screen, etc.
Try reinstalling the drivers, that should solve the problem.