Computer Hope

Software => Apple => Topic started by: Dave R. on December 04, 2011, 07:21:14 AM

Title: Monitor Freezes or Goes Blank
Post by: Dave R. on December 04, 2011, 07:21:14 AM
I have a dual core 2.66 machine with a Apple Cinema display. This started a few months ago and keeps getting worse. At times when using the scroll wheel on the mouse the machine would just hang with the little colored circle spinning away. The only way to correct this was to unplug the machine and let it sit for several minutes before turning it back on. Now at times when using the mouse scroll wheel the screen just turns blank and the same fix is required. I'm not up on electronic parts but is it possible the video card is going bad as it appears something is over heating thus the reason I need to wait for a while before restarting.? Any suggestions on what to do will be greatly appreciated. BTW It's out of warranty by a year or so now. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Monitor Freezes or Goes Blank
Post by: ian124 on December 16, 2011, 07:20:57 AM
It would be worth getting it checked to see if this is one of the MBPs that is covered under Apples repair extension program for failing graphics. They will cover the cost of the repair, a new logic board if your computer fails the graphics processor test. I have seen a lot of these and some of the symptoms you would not think it would be the graphics. It is only covered for 4 years from its purchase date so it would be worth getting it checked