Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: Sualek on March 07, 2012, 08:53:42 PM

Title: Terabyte Hard drive reading as a 4 GB hard drive
Post by: Sualek on March 07, 2012, 08:53:42 PM
Hi everybody,
First time ever doing this but i am kinda at my wits end. i just purchased a Gigabyte 990fxa-ud3 Mother board for a gaming computer. and i purchased a Sea gate terabyte hard drive to hold all the games and what not. When i opened up the BIOS it read said hard drive as a little over 4000 MB. i tried to install windows 7 and partition it to open up space but it also read the hard drive as a little over 4gb i dont know what to do from here. i tried to plug the sata cable into different ports but to no avail. i also have a bluray sata drive that may be interfering. i am at a loss to how to fix it and any help would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Terabyte Hard drive reading as a 4 GB hard drive
Post by: Geek-9pm on March 07, 2012, 09:01:08 PM
Computer Hope is the number one location for free computer help.
The forum will help everyone with all computer questions.

Are you new to the use of TB drives? You may want to rethink your project and get a smaller drive to install Windows 7.

Read over carefully the documentation from the drive manufacture. If the BIOS can not identify the drive properly, you may need to send the drive back to the vendor.
Title: Re: Terabyte Hard drive reading as a 4 GB hard drive
Post by: Sualek on March 07, 2012, 09:12:57 PM
no sir this the first time ive gotten a terabyte hard drive.
Title: Re: Terabyte Hard drive reading as a 4 GB hard drive
Post by: Geek-9pm on March 07, 2012, 10:18:00 PM
OK. Sorry I can not walk you through.
But here are some general points.

A. Bios can not correctly read the drive.
B. The SATA motherboard controller can't do it.
C. The drive requires a special driver from the maker.

The options are, of course, update the BIOS, get a new SATA controller, install the driver during Windows instillation.

Here are some quick quotes found on other forums. These date back two or three years ago.

ul 12th, 2009
Bios cannot detect new WD terabyte drive

I bought 2 drives, both the same, both from, both 1 terabyte WDs. I've tried them in 2 computers with known working sata hard drives. I can't believe that I would've received 2 faulty Western Digital drives. ...

Terabyte drives and determining BIOS limitations
Dell last week had 1.5TB drives on sale and it got me wondering if older motherboards support such a beast. Or even a 1TB drive! Normally I would go to the board manufacturer website and read about it in a FAQ but in my case the manufacture (Mach Speed X-Caliber PT88AS) does not mention anything ..

Hard Drive Does Not Show Up In BIOS
in Hardware

If your hard drive does not show up in BIOS of the computer, it will not be visible to Windows. There are several scenarios for this type of problem and we will try to address some of these along with their resolution. Unfortunately, hard drives are a commodity and need to be treated as such. If you have a hard drive running in your computer ....

One workaround nus to install Windows 7 on a smaller drive. Then later make the 1TB into a data only drive. After you install the drivers in Windows 7 so that it can see the drive in spite of the BIOS.

The BIOS can not properly boot Windows if it does not correctly read the drive. Why this is true I don 't fully understand.
Sorry, that is the best I can do.

Maybe some body has the perfect answer.