Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: Poissionnariat on August 04, 2012, 02:57:15 PM

Title: Erratic SSD boot up speeds
Post by: Poissionnariat on August 04, 2012, 02:57:15 PM
Just got an Intel 330 Series 120GB SSD yesterday.
Did a little research since this is my first SSD in ownership. AHCI is enabled in BIOS, TRIM enabled and drivers installed. Even checked to see if the partition was aligned and it is.
Went to do a fresh install of Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit and initially the boot time from power on to desktop was around 15-20 seconds. Went through Windows Updater to pick up latest updates and the time started to degenerate. Now with most motherboard drivers and drivers in general for peripherals installed, times have creeped up to 1:30 roughly (i timed it with a stopclock on my phone several times and got a base value of around that time).

Once the desktop is loaded, the drive runs like a charm....but that boot time. I downloaded the Intel SSD Toolbox and optimized the drive and its overall health is good.

What could be causing that? Id like to think that simple updates/service packs and chipset drivers wouldn't be causing that. Running outta ideas here. Help!
Title: Re: Erratic SSD boot up speeds
Post by: hartbeatmr on August 04, 2012, 03:27:26 PM
Good afternoon Poissionnariat and welcome

I think I understand what you are talking about.

The average time to the windows desktop is about 1+ min that part is not unusual.

Thing to check that may help you

#1... Check to see what is starting up and UN-check all unnecessary items. "MSCONFIG" do not turn of items like AVC suite / Firewall etc
#2... Check in the BIOS for the boot up options so the HD is the first boot device.
#3... Window updates will some times slow the boot up times.  :'(   
#4... All drivers that are installed are  64bit. Install the chipset drivers from the MoBo manufacture and not using the W7 gen ones.

Hope this helps you and if we can help you any more please let us know, Mike 
Title: Re: Erratic SSD boot up speeds
Post by: Poissionnariat on August 04, 2012, 04:10:48 PM
All steps accomplished. Speeds to desktop are still quite low. What I cant understand is it going from 15 seconds to a whopping minute or so. I got this SSD primarily because of the reduced boot times. Im quite bothered by that turn around.